Let me get my feet wet first with the one and see what I can handle. I don't want to repeat joining more games than I can keep up with again.
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- Thu Feb 09, 2023 11:02 am
- Forum: Game Recruitment
- Topic: Two players available for a game
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2958
- Tue Feb 07, 2023 5:29 am
- Forum: Game Recruitment
- Topic: Two players available for a game
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2958
Re: Two players available for a game
Trying to stick with 3.5 or earlier. I believe that we found one.
- Sun Feb 05, 2023 10:05 am
- Forum: Game Recruitment
- Topic: Two players available for a game
- Replies: 4
- Views: 2958
Two players available for a game
One of my players from my long-term tabletop game, that recently ended due to a combination of CoVid and a player couple moving after taking a dream job out of state, and I are looking to try a forum game, just one for myself until I can gauge what pace I can keep up with. He's familiar with ...
- Sun Jan 12, 2020 12:05 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
"Nothing then to tell who this soul may have been... Perhaps it is best that way. It was just as likely someone who fell victim to the same mists that brought us all to this world. Even if we knew everything of a lost soul, there would be no way to pass the word onto those closest to them." Pytor ...
- Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:57 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
I forgot to state it in my earlier post. Pytor followed Pyros keeping a short distance behind him. Ten to twenty yards give or take.
- Sun Dec 22, 2019 12:37 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
"Whether his soul needs rest or not. There is usually someone waiting. A lover hesitant to grasp a new opportunity, or a family holding off needful and dire decisions. My people do not walk away from such things. If the body holds some clue to the victim, then it should be uncovered in hopes of one ...
- Sat Dec 21, 2019 1:28 pm
- Forum: An Unexpected Foray into the Demiplane of Dread
- Topic: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
- Replies: 1331
- Views: 642602
Re: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
Tied up with last-minute returning and replacing incompatible tech gifts. Consider Pytor chastised and move him along as necessary.
- Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:29 pm
- Forum: An Unexpected Foray into the Demiplane of Dread
- Topic: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
- Replies: 1331
- Views: 642602
Re: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
I agree. An excellent portrayal of a knight.
The opinions and beliefs of Pytor are his own and not shared by management...
The opinions and beliefs of Pytor are his own and not shared by management...
- Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:24 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
"So Kiri-Jolith has an entire order of knights who have served his family for a thousand years? I suppose if he is a King or Emperor then his men are above dealing with the vagrants and poor... Just let the local Baron's men do as they will, as long as the King's name is not tarnished directly? If ...
- Wed Dec 18, 2019 4:15 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
His blood heated from memories of the past, the brusque gypsy addressed the knight. "Pytor Fulcher... Many a man make their name by actions while serving their lord during war, some good, some bad. But there is no war here that I know of. Tell me what name did you have while serving your lord before ...
- Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:43 am
- Forum: An Unexpected Foray into the Demiplane of Dread
- Topic: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
- Replies: 1331
- Views: 642602
Re: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
Pytor views of a knight are that of an uncaring enforcer of the local lord's law.
- Mon Dec 16, 2019 11:39 am
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
Pytor’s face was grim as he watched the approaching knight. “Make certain that he is indeed alone.”
- Wed Dec 11, 2019 1:42 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
Pytor hoists his pack onto his shoulder. "I'll go tend to Satâr de Ceaţă and the others while everyone finishes packing up." Giving a nod back to Jerry and a smile to both her and Mira, he heads up towards the exit. "You are both fairer and wiser than I by far. Do you think this power over death th ...
- Sun Dec 08, 2019 5:36 pm
- Forum: Dusty Tomes (Previous Acts)
- Topic: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
- Replies: 477
- Views: 211468
Re: Act 2 Scene 4: "Descent into Darkness" (Game Thread)
At Merrick’s outburst, Pytor had secretly slipped his hammer from its loop. If there was one useful thing that he had learned in the tavern, it was how hard to hit a man to knock him senseless but not slay him. But if the mage begin to use his magic on the priestess, he may not have the option to s ...
- Sun Dec 08, 2019 12:46 pm
- Forum: An Unexpected Foray into the Demiplane of Dread
- Topic: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
- Replies: 1331
- Views: 642602
Re: Demiplane of Dread OOC thread, the second.
Whichever is readily available.Mel i just have to ask... Trail rations or Tail rations? hehehe. Nocturno made a good one about that a while back.