Ke'sha and Allikhain take time to prepare a place to summon the Fire elemental. They find a small area with fewer trees and bushes and use some cantrips to clear an area atop a wide section of flat rock. They then gather downed logs and sticks for a large fire, since summoning any elemental requires a substantial amount of the element for their corporeal body to inhabit once they arrive on the plane. They construct a teepee style fire to make sure it is wide and tall enough (6 ft wide 4 ft tall) to serve the spells purposes.
Night in the jungle valley has begun to fall by the time the wood is stacked and ready, but the Necromancer woman wastes no time in igniting it. With a pinch of tallow mixed with sulfur and powdered iron and a short incantation she conjures a sphere of flame atop the woodpile. Gradually the wood hisses and dries, soon the smaller sticks begin to crackle and catch. Allikhain keeps the sphere moving to ignite new areas faster and sets the sphere deep in the center. In the space of a few moments the stack is engulfed in flame.
Once the fire is large enough Ke'Sha begins his own lengthy conjuration; calling through the flames to seek access to the plane of Elemental Fire... A small rift opens deep in the center of the campfire and a blinding blaze of white-hot flame leaps into the night air!! Looming better than three times the height of a human the figure of fire reaches out to gently caress a nearby tree-branch. Almost instantly it ignites, leaves and bark crackling and peeling away from the intense flames...

Allikhain casts Flaming Sphere to help start the fire large enough for the elemental to be summoned.
Ke'Sha casts Summon Fire Elemental
[1d100]=66, a 16 HD Fire Elemental is summoned!