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Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

A 2E game set in the mysterious realm of Ravenloft.

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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Nocturno »

"I have one of my new flaming bullets ready if he does!"
"I still need to figure out how to light them in the thick of it...."
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Styrius »

“I would agree to finding safe lodging being the first order of business. The second being finding a cure for this uncontrollable curiosity. Do you know of someplace open? I’ve tried most of the doors on this street. They all are secure.”
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Nocturno »

"No door is truly ever closed, just some sort of obstacle. Just follow us. You can bunk with me and Cross." He will head to the Inn without waiting for a response.

Over his shoulder.
"Many many many folks have tried to cure it. I believe the only cure is old age, or the bottom of a Giants foot. But that doesn't even always work"
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

"We have a place." Mira answers with another Sigh. "You speak of places I know nothing of." Giving a half smile she holds the Blonde close and offers the way. "Sadly there isn't much shelter to be found."

"Êtes-vous sûr qu’il est digne de confiance?" The blonde asks in a worried tone.

"As trustworthy as the rest of us I suppose.. or I hope." Mira answers in Elven this time. "The local language takes a while to pick up." She explains. "Pyros is safe. Just watch your pockets. He doesn't mean it." She begins to resume walking.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

Karl says nothing, choosing to keep his thoughts to himself at least for now..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Styrius »

Kybalion smiles at the ladies. He keeps an eye on "Pyros" to ensure the cutpurse gets no closer to him. "My usual vocation is to safeguard my town and its citizenry. At the moment it would seem I have no comrades in arms and your party is this only persons I have since and odd fog descended and I became disoriented." He falls in with the party, enjoying at least fortune having momentarily gone sour, turned better with a situation he is much more comfortable with, women. As he walks along he remarks "I have been re-miss I do believe. I am Kybalion of Silverymoon. I would ask forgiveness for my lack of manners upon your arrival. battle with some creature that just moments prior was a lady of a most stunning visage. As such your approach had the better of me."
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Nocturno »

"Sounds about right, this place... is interesting, to put it lightly."
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

"Mira formerly of Haven. More recently of Harmonia and Skald." The Redhead answers as she walks.

"Sabrina." The Blonde explains in Elven.

"I'll explain later, but the Mists brought us Apart from Sabrina, she was born here."
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Styrius »

"I would appreciate some information as to what is going on. The Red Wizards whose reach is far, generally do not bother with us in the far north. Could this be the doing of Zhentil Keep? I have many questions. How far is it to our destination?"
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by TristenC »

Just as he asks, a sliver of warm light cuts through the fog as they near the structure. The establisment is a modest L-shaped two-story building that stands with the longer side parallel to the street. A wooden sign above the door is carved in the shape of a wagon wheel with three broken spokes. Mira leads on as the group files inside.

The interior has a homey feel to it; comfortable in the way a well-worn boot shaped itself to the wearer’s foot. The round tables and their chairs had the well-worn look of long-endured use. Several small booths line the walls as well, their rectangular tables built into the structure and the high-backed benches providing some small measure of privacy for up to four people per table.

A warm fire roars in the stone fireplace that stands on one side of the main commons, with a small stage in the corner nearby. The ‘stage’ itself is really only a platform rising a foot or so off the ground, and barely large enough to fit more than a couple of people should they need enough room to perform. On the opposite end of the elongated room stands a short bar with no more than a half-dozen stools, behind which a young adult man cleans glasses. A swinging door stands to one side of the bar, likely leading to the kitchen. A narrow stairway leads upwards from the opposite end of the bar, probably to rooms above. Finally there is a small hallway leading off downstairs. The place was clean and in good repair while making no pretense about what it truly was; A middle class inn in the slightly upper class part of town.

There are only 3 other patrons present despite the hour, A man of middle years and two men who bear a familial resemblance to him. They wear plain workman's clothes. One of the younger men looks up as the group enters, a young serving woman setting out their drinks. She waves to Mira and speaks in a strange musical language that the bard used. Bon retour, comment ça s'est passé?

There are no Zhent or Thayans in this land... Jerry explains as they enter. In fact, you should not even consider it the same world or perhaps Dimension is more appropriate.

The local language is called "Harmonian", and it uses musical intonations like Elven. Each day spent in company where it is spoken (be it party members who practice or in town where it is all around) adds 1% to your ability to understand it. Knowing Elven adds a flat 5% to start. it is tracked on your character sheet.
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

"Aussi bien qu'on peut l'espérer. Je pense que nous l'avons rendue fière." Mira replies with a soft sigh, speaking in the same language. 'Pourrions-nous avoir du pain et du fromage ? Et de la bière et de l'eau?"

"So.. sit down." She finds a table, not that there aren't.many to choose from. "Jerry is right..This is another place, separate from the worlds we know. I think the Mists bring people who are in trouble, people who need help.. I would have died if they hadn't of brought me." She sighs, "So.. what do you want to know?" She takes a seat, with Sabrina sitting next to her, legs touching.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

Karl takes a seat after the ladies are seated, he was curious about the things that Mira had to say.. he didn't understand them, but he tried his best to..
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
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- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Nocturno »

With the humour of a 12 y/o old Pyros makes a joke.
"Qui a coupé le fromage?" Then chuckles.
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Jenara »

Sabrina giggles a little at the strange little man.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

Demiplane of Dread - Mira Human Bard (Searching for the Crown)
Genwald - Nesserrr (Katten) Feliz Ranger (Going Solo..)
- Stardust (Jade) Pixie Warlock (Seeking answers)
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Re: Act 3 Scene 1: Arrivals and Leavetakings

Post by Styrius »

Kybalion does his best to take a seat opposite side of the table from the bag of holding with legs as he has come to understand him (Pyros). “I should guess I would need to know the laws and lord of this place. Ways to earn coin, is there an opening with the town guard, what to watch out for, a way to get back to Silverymoon, who and what you are, so many questions.” Kybalion’s visage is one of bewilderment. “Good food, ale, and a lass would go a long way to making things feel normal. I can tell that one needs to be careful as that lass I encountered wanted more than just a good wenching.”
You are talkin' to the holy symbol wearing,
Ruby ring wearing, kiss stealing; Woo!
Praying/healing, beholder riding, griffin flying
Son of a blowgun, and I'm having a hard time holding these Aboleth shoes down! WOO!
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