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WP + NWP for Scarlor

Spike's homebrew 1st edition AD&D world.

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WP + NWP for Scarlor

Post by spike »


Glaive: a Nyriddian weapon. It's essentially a foldable blade pronged boomerang that is extremely difficult to gain simple proficiency in, much less mastery. On each throw it returns to the thrower who must hit AC 10 to catch it. A 1 indicates failure to catch, but a DEX check at 1/2 will indicate you simply avoided its return and let it fly away.

Sistari Dagger: an S shaped double bladed dagger that also returns to the thrower, and some masters have been reported to be able to wield two at the same time.

Chainwhip:: a thin, strong chain whip that usually ends with either a blade, scythe, or mace-head. It can be used as a climbing tool, to disarm opponents, trip and ensnare others.

Wrist-bow: a one handed crossbow mounted on a wrist bracer, fires a dart sized bolt that does d3 dmg. Thieves have been known to fit it with a chord and grapple headed bolt to disarm enemy horse riders (and to rob them of course).

double crossbow: a crossbow that fires two bolts vs. one.

parry + attack: prereq: two weapon style with this NWP, the fighter can execute a parry maneuver at the same time of an attack. They essentially parry with an offhand weapon and attack with their primary.

staunch defender: you are able to make effective use of protecting yourself from enemy combatants, able to parry multiple blows with a single weapon (e.g. 5 quarter staves coming at you at once are parried by your offhand sword).

two weapon mastery: requires 2 weapon style and 2 weapon style specialization.

Watch this, you'll know what 2 weapon mastery IS:



Plans within Plans
Uncanny Dodge
Hide in plain sight
Find secret doors
Torture resistance
Interrogation (Torture)
Create Asset
Street Sense
sleight of hand


Stealth casting
Tactics of Magic
Photographic Memory
Survival, Lower Planes


Focus (concentration)
Obscure Knowledge
Healers touch
Indomitable will
Divine Faith
Divine Retribution
Survival, Lower Planes


Voice Mimicry
Rapid Healing Factor
Extruded Vision (5th level)
Spectral Vision (5th level)


Inhuman endurance
military tactics
siege weaponry/engineering
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Re: WP + NWP for Scarlor

Post by Chris1234 »

@Spike: Hi there! I've just started to look at Scarlor. One of the things I've tried to do is to pull together the NWPs and (sorry OCD coming out) put them is alphabetical order and commonisation of capitals.
I've added in some notes and queries at the bottom. Hope this helps and doesn't upset.. Updated 26/6/16, 16.30

Scarlor NWP List

Acting: (Chr) adds +5 to diplomacy checks. Through brief character study you can effectively act and pretend to be another. Helps when attempting to impersonate and assume another identity, or to get past tight security.

Alertness: (1 Slot, Wis +1): A character with this proficiency is able to instinctively recognize signs of disturbance in the immediate vicinity. This gives a +1 bonus on the character's surprise rolls when he makes a successful proficiency check. Alertness must be declared before an event and typically lasts for 1 turn (10 min.).

Animal Empathy: (chr) you can calm angry animals or even befriend some.

Begging (Thieves only)(1 Slot, Chr, Special): This proficiency serves two functions. First, it allows the character to pose convincingly as a beggar; success is automatic, so no proficiency check needs to be made. This function is used most by Assassins, Bounty Hunters and Spies in the pursuit of their assignments.
A character can also use begging to procure a very minimal daily income. (Many Cutpurses are in fact beggars who aren't getting enough—and vice versa.) Success requires first that there be people to beg from—people with money to give. A character in an abandoned castle or a recently pillaged village are virtually assured of failure.
The following modifiers are suggested to the DM as guidelines. They do not consider the wealth of a locale, just the population density. Impoverished regions might have greater negative modifiers—but then, so might affluent areas with traditions of stinginess.
Begging Modifiers
Uninhabited/Wilderness (Automatic Failure)
Countryside (-7)
Hamlet, Village (-5)
Town (-2)
City (0)
If a proficiency check is successful, then a character is able to panhandle enough money, goods or services that day to meet his basic needs (a little food and drink, a place to sleep).
The DM may also use the proficiency check for specific single actions—e.g., a character in disguise as a beggar accosts a specific NPC. Characters who beg from the same NPC more than once suffer a -2 cumulative modifier for each attempt after the first.
The begging proficiency may not be used to force player characters to give money away; players are always free to decide if and how generous their characters are in response to supplications.

Combat Reflexes: ... index.html

Contortion: (thieves/assassins only) Dex. You're able to bend your body in strange shapes, and also through tight spaces. Helps to escape from bonds with a +10 bonus to escape artist checks, even lends a +5 bonus to escape from bonds that seem inescapable.

Conversion: (Chr) clerics only: through preaching and persuasive speech, the cleric is able to convince others to convert to their faith's belief system. Depending on the general alignment of a crowd this can potentially have an adverse effect if your deity is CE and you're trying to convert a group of LG people, who will more than likely form an angry mob that will attack the offending cleric.

Create Assets: (Chr) through bribery or intimidation, blackmail, or simply love you can create spies who become loyal followers. These followers require much TLC. Letters of reassurance, gold, resources, help, protection, and even love. A severe lack in any of these can result in betrayal and false intelligence reports.

Demonology: (Int) Magic-users and clerics are learned in the methods and tactics of demons, and possess familiarity with their powers, planes of origin, and special weaknesses. With demonology they're also able to concoct strategies to best combat and thwart demons activities in the prime material plane (e.g. disrupt attempts to possession).

Discipline: (Wis) Your character is trained and well versed in self maintenance, upkeep, and mental preparedness. It also helps in times of stress and duress that require mental focus and concentration. Discipline can provide a +1 to initiative and combat bonuses/saving throws in the first encounter on any given day as an added benefit.

Divine Faith: (Wis) Your faith is unusually strong, a gift from the Gods themselves. As such you are less sleepy, hungry, tired, and angry than many others. Your clerical spells works more powerfully than other priests/priestesses of your order.

Divine Retribution: (Wis) req: Divine faith once a month you're able to bestow a curse on an individual/being for a very powerful reason and under special circumstances. For example, a soldier who massacred 20 acolytes in your temple for no distinct reason. There is a 1% chance/per level that something may befall that targeted individual being, 2% if the cleric prays a specific fate as a form of justice against this intended recipient of divine retribution.

Extruded Vision/spectral vision isn't technically a NWP it's a ability for dhampir, gives them an extended range of vision up to 200 ft. Spectral vision enables dhampir to see the life energies of other beings, (their levels or HD) to sense life and also to bend their vision to see around corners and har things more clearly from afar.

Find Secret Doors: (Int) Thieves/Assassins: just like the elven racial ability of the same name.

High Pain Threshold: (Con]) (fighters only) you do not experience pain as others do, and are more resistant to it than you have any right to be. Critical hits sustained do not take you out of the fight. Your right hand is severed or your leg? You're still in the battle, to the chagrin of your foes.

Indomitable Will: (Chr, prerequ: discipline) Your character is mentally and spiritually, emotionally tougher and more resilient., gaining a +2 bonus to save vs. spells that effect the mind (e.g. charm person, emotion, chaos, hold person, etc)

Inhuman Endurance: (Con) You can keep going in intensive, physically demanding operation longer than normal.

Infiltration: (Dex) You don the uniform of a particular group (beggars, soldiers) and perfectly meld in with them, making you invisible in plain sight.

Interrogation (Torture): (Int, Chr) interrogation tactics to extract information from a person.

Inventing: (Int) You have a knack for creating useful, utilitarian devices, gadgets, fixes, workarounds for everyday problems. You need to decide on a particular field of expertise e.g. weapons, armor, adventuring equiment, etc.

Leadership (Chr) prereq: discipline you're able to command whether through mutual bond, respect, fear, intimidation a unit of soldiers or even non combatants from breaking rank, being routed, disroganized or losing hope during combat (e.g. fleeing at being caught unaware through ambush), also inspiring a +1 to morale for 2d4 rounds.

Master Lover: (Con, Chr) You're well endowed or skilled in the art of lovemaking, Your passion can convince many stubborn, resistant minds to do other things you desire.

Meditation: (Wis) Fighters and Monks. You prepare your mind for the upcoming battle, purging extraneous thoughts and emotions. You gain a +1 to hit/damage/AC, saving throws for 2d4 melee rounds in your next battle.

Military Tactics: (Int) You're skilled in the art of war, and have accumulated deep knowledge of battles, siege warfare, and thus have become a tactician. You're able to plan, devise, and execute plans during realtime battle that will yield favorable results. Such as having a cavalry unit disappear to make it seem like they're fleeing only to turn around and wipe out your enemy archers later in the battle (Braveheart!).

Obscure Knowledge: (Wis) Your character is able to recall with vivid accuracy important facts, information, and knowledge they gleaned during their travels, or pieced together from reading too many books during their training that may provide useful clues and strategies to their current mission.

Parkour: (Dex) thieves and assassins only. using your natural agility you can climb in a constant flowing state roof to roof, nook to nook through any urban environment.

Photographic Memory: (Int) Able to instantly memorize any crucial details, large copious amounts of information even pages of books, maps, etc. verbatim. This helps magic-users regain spells a bit faster than usual. You can draw portraits of beings you only briefly saw, such as in your dreams with a degree of accuracy for instance.

Plans Within Plans: (vs. Int) : this NWP requires due dilligence on the player to study, learn, and intimately familiarize themselves with a particular persons habits, rituals, behavior. Intelligence gathering works to speed this up quite a bit and enhance plans within plans. What this is useful for is to craft elaborate contingencies, plans, and counter moves more effectively. In game, you create a plan and analyze it, this NWP checks will help isolate painpoints in said plan. E.g. My plan is to assassinate Lord Hergon by infiltrating his guard, slipping into his bed chamber at night disguised as a whore and pour poison in his ear. Plans within plans checks will reveal holes in said plan, such as 'you discovered that Lord Hergon prefers only half elven women for some particular reason'. You can consider this to be a sense motive on crack. (Free for assassins).

Predestination: (Wis) (Lor clerics and Paladins only) Your access to the forbidden archives has gained you special insights into future events which may transpire (or not) contingent on signs in nature and certain sequence of events, phenom, prophetic symbols, and powerful dreams. Your sensitivity enables you to intuit such signs and with a modicum of accuracy predict future events. This is a particularly useful skill when dealing with temporal mechanics (time travel and manipulating time).

Rapid Healing Factor: (Con) a bonus NWP for Dhampir, you heal double in HP for same amount of rest and relaxation as other humans and demi-humans through natural recovery sleep.

Second Sight: (mage only) - Int: you see things, signs and portends in nature, in your surroundings that tell a story or point you in a certain path in life. You see things others don't, and can unravel mysteries that went cold quicker than most.

Seduction (Chr) prereq: etiquette for espionage, this comes in quite handy.

Siege engineer: secondary skill. You can draft blueprints, and manufacture machines of war. These constructs may not have been invented yet. However, you will need the Inventing NWP as a prerequisite to create new, never before created constructs vs. whats already been made (such as heavy billistae for instance).

Sleight of Hand: (Dex) +5% to pick pockets

Stealth casting: (Dex) mage or cleric only. You're able to disguise the fact that you're casting a spell, which is helpful so that enemy forces (archers and other spellcasters) don't immediately target you to disrupt your intended spell. It is also effective when you're attempting to cast a spell such as friends, suggestion, or charm person in a non combat scenario and don't wish to alert the intended target.


Street Sense: (Chr) you speak the language of the streets, and can easily identify thieves, prostitutes, and organized crime, able to locate their secret safehouses, places of illicit business, and underground black markets. This is useful to tap into a larger broader network of information that would take much longer to uncover through normal investigating.

Survival, Lower Planes: (Int) though study and training in demonology and the known planes of the multiverse, you're able to move about and travel, live, and survive in the infernal planes of existence. You understand the denizens of the layers of Infernus (Abyss) and can also speak the common infernal tongue.

Tactics of Magic: (Int, magic-users) your expertise in magic affords you the ability to maximize on damage, trajectory, and area of effect with your spells. Ordinarily you may willy nily cast that fireball hoping to snare several enemy foot soldiers, but with tactics of magic you will know the optimal point of impact to ensure your fireball is more damning and all encompasing. It will also help you to avoid possibly injuring your allies and team members as well.

Tailing: (Int, Dex) thief/assassin: following a targeted individual through a urban environment within line of sight, but not being detected by this individual.

Torture Resistance: (Int, Con) you're specially conditioned to withstand torture tactics and not break. Only open to government trained assassins.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to do so. They retain Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, still loses Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Voice Mimicry (Int) a NWP only available to dhampirs, calling on your dark lineage you're able to perfectly imitate another voice.

Scarlor NWP Availability by Race/Clas

Create Asset
Find Secret Doors
Hide in Plain Sight
Interrogation (Torture)
Sleight of Hand
Street Sense
Torture Resistance
Uncanny Dodge

Photographic Memory
Stealth Casting
Survival, Lower Planes
Tactics of Magic

Divine Faith
Divine Retribution
Focus (concentration)
Healers touch
Indomitable Will
Obscure Knowledge
Survival, Lower Planes

Extruded Vision (5th level)
Rapid Healing Factor
Spectral Vision (5th level)
Voice Mimicry

Inhuman Endurance
Military Tactics
Siege Weaponry/Engineering

Notes for Scarlor NWPs:

1) May need a GENERAL heading (for NWP availability)

2) The forum needs a write-up for:
Healers touch, Hide in Plain Sight, Intimidation

3) Referenced elsewhere on this forum but not listed by class/race:
Alertness, High Pain Threshold, Combat Reflexes, Mediation, Demonology

4) From DSG (I no longer have OA):
Animal Noise, Blind Fighting, Boating, Direction Sense, Endurance, Fire-building, Fishing, Fungus Identification, Healing, Mountaineering, Riding, Rope Use, Slow Respiration, Sound Analysis, Swimming
Last edited by Chris1234 on Sun Jun 26, 2016 10:18 am, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: WP + NWP for Scarlor

Post by spike »

Thanks Chris I've been meaning to, just hadn't gotten around to it yet.

Begging (Thieves only)(1 Slot, Cha. Special): This proficiency serves two functions. First, it allows the character to pose convincingly as a beggar; success is automatic, so no proficiency check needs to be made. This function is used most by Assassins, Bounty Hunters and Spies in the pursuit of their assignments.

A character can also use begging to procure a very minimal daily income. (Many Cutpurses are in fact beggars who aren't getting enough—and vice versa.) Success requires first that there be people to beg from—people with money to give. A character in an abandoned castle or a recently pillaged village are virtually assured of failure.

The following modifiers are suggested to the DM as guidelines. They do not consider the wealth of a locale, just the population density. Impoverished regions might have greater negative modifiers—but then, so might affluent areas with traditions of stinginess.
Begging Modifiers
Uninhabited/Wilderness (Automatic Failure)
Countryside (-7)
Hamlet, Village (-5)
Town (-2)
City (0)
If a proficiency check is successful, then a character is able to panhandle enough money, goods or services that day to meet his basic needs (a little food and drink, a place to sleep).

The DM may also use the proficiency check for specific single actions—e.g., a character in disguise as a beggar accosts a specific NPC. Characters who beg from the same NPC more than once suffer a -2 cumulative modifier for each attempt after the first.

The begging proficiency may not be used to force player characters to give money away; players are always free to decide if and how generous their characters are in response to supplications.

Contortion (vs. Dex) thieves/assassins
Your time at the traveling circus has gained you a unique talent. Your body is very flexible and you're able to twist it through tight openings, crawlspaces, and otherwise inaccessible areas like vents and small openings that seem impossible to penetrate. It also lends a +5 bonus to escape from bonds that seem inescapable. Say a group of bad men chained your character up with heavy chains, put a bag over your head and dumped you overboard. There is a good chance that this NWP would come in handy to escape your bonds in a tight jam.

Discipline (WIS) your character is trained and well versed in self maintenance, upkeep, and mental preparedness. It also helps in times of stress and duress that require mental focus and concentration. Discipline can provide a +1 to initiative and combat bonuses/saving throws in the first encounter on any given day as an added benefit.

High Pain Threshold: [con] (fighters only) you do not experience pain as others do, and are more resistant to it than you have any right to be. Critical hits sustained do not take you out of the fight. Your right hand is severed or your leg? You're still in the battle, to the chagrin of your foes.

Conversion (CHR) clerics only: through preaching and persuasive speech, the cleric is able to convince others to convert to their faith's belief system. Depending on the general alignment of a crowd this can potentially have an adverse effect if your deity is CE and you're trying to convert a group of LG people, who will more than likely form an angry mob that will attack the offending cleric.

Extruded Vision/spectral viion isn't technically a NWP it's a ability for dhampir, gives them an extended range of vision up to 200 ft. Spectral vision enables dhampir to see the life energies of other beings, (their levels or HD) to sense life and also to bend their vision to see around corners and hear things more clearly from afar.

Stealth casting: (dex) mage or cleric only. You're able to disguise the fact that you're casting a spell, which is helpful so that enemy forces (archers and other spellcasters) don't immediately target you to disrupt your intended spell. It is also effective when you're attempting to cast a spell such as friends, suggestion, or charm person in a non combat scenario and don't wish to alert the intended target.


Alertness (1 Slot, Wis. +1): A character with this proficiency is able to instinctively recognize signs of disturbance in the immediate vicinity. This gives a +1 bonus on the character's surprise rolls when he makes a successful proficiency check. Alertness must be declared before an event and typically lasts for 1 turn (10 min.).

Tactics of Magic: (INT, magic-users) your expertise in magic affords you the ability to maximize on damage, trajectory, and area of effect with your spells. Ordinarily you may willy nily cast that fireball hoping to snare several enemy foot soldiers, but with tactics of magic you will know the optimal point of impact to ensure your fireball is more damning and all encompasing. It will also help you to avoid possibly injuring your allies and team members as ell.

Tailing (INT, Dex) thief/assassin: following a targeted individual through a urban environment within line of sight, but not being detected by this individual.

Uncanny Dodge: Starting at 4th level, a rogue can react to danger before their senses would normally allow them to do so. They retain Dexterity bonus to AC (if any) even if caught flat-footed or struck by an invisible attacker. However, still loses Dexterity bonus to AC if immobilized.

Indomitable Will (CHR, prerequ: discipline) your character is mentally and spiritually, emotionally tougher and more resilient., gaining a +2 bonus to save vs. spells that effect the mind (e.g. charm person, emotion, chaos, hold person, etc)

Obscure Knowledge (WIS): your character is able to recall with vivid accuracy important facts, information, and knowledge they gleaned during their travels, or pieced together from reading too many books during their training that may provide useful clues and strategies to their current mission.

Leadership (chr) prereq: discipline you're able to command whether through mutual bond, respect, fear, intimidation a unit of soldiers or even non combatants from breaking rank, being routed, disroganized or losing hope during combat (e.g. fleeing at being caught unaware through ambush), also inspiring a +1 to morale for 2d4 rounds.

Military Tactics (INT) you're skilled in the art of war, and have accumulated deep knowledge of battles, siege warfare, and thus have become a tactician. You're able to plan, devise, and execute plans during realtime battle that will yield favorable results. Such as having a cavalry unit disappear to make it seem like they're fleeing only to turn around and wipe out your enemy archers later in the battle (Braveheart!).

Combat Reflexes: ... index.html

Torture Resistance (INT, CON) you're able to withstand torture techniques to extract information out of you for longer periods of time than normal.

Demonology (INT) magic-users and clerics are learned in the methods and tactics of demons, and possess familiarity with their powers, planes of origin, and special weaknesses. With demonology they're also able to concoct strategies to best combat and thwart demons activities in the prime material plane (e.g. disrupt attempts to possession).

Divine Faith (WIS) your faith is unusually strong, a gift from the Gods themselves. As such you are less sleepy, hungry, tired, and angry than many others. Your clerical spells works more powerfully than other priests/priestesses of your order. There is a 5% chance/per level of the cleric that any food or water ingested which would be ordinarily tainted will be considered cleansed as if purify food and drink had been cast on said food.

Divine Retribution (WIS) req: divine faith once a month you're able to bestow a curse on an individual/being for a very powerful reason and under special circumstances. For example, a soldier who massacred 20 acolytes in your temple for no distinct reason. There is a 1% chance/per level that something may befall that targeted individual being, 2% if the cleric prays a specific fate as a form of justice against this intended recipient of divine retribution.

Predestination: (WIS, Lor clerics and Paladins only) your access to the forbidden archives has gained you special insights into future events which may transpire (or not) contingent on signs in nature and certain sequence of events, phenom, prophetic symbols, and powerful dreams. Your sensitivity enables you to intuit such signs and with a modicum of accuracy predict future events. This is a particularly useful skill when dealing with temporal mechanics (time travel and manipulating time).

Meditation (WIS) Fighters and Monks.
You prepare your mind for the upcoming battle, purging extraneous thoughts and emotions. You gain a +1 to hit/damage/AC, saving throws for 2d4 melee rounds in your next battle.

Inventing (INT) you have a knack for creating useful, utilitarian devices, gadgets, fixes, workarounds for everyday problems. You need to decide on a particular field of expertise e.g. weapons, armor, adventuring equiment, etc.

Find Secret Doors (INT) Thieves/Assassins: just like the elven racial ability of the same name.

Photographic Memory (INT) able to instantly memorize any crucial details, large copious amounts of information even pages of books, maps, etc. verbatim. This helps magic-users regain spells a bit faster than usual. You can draw portraits of beings you only briefly saw, such as in your dreams with a degree of accuracy for instance.

Siege engineer secondary skill. You can draft blueprints, and manufacture machines of war. These constructs may not have been invented yet. However, you will need the Inventing NWP as a prerequisite to create new, never before created constructs vs. whats already been made (such as heavy billistae for instance).