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Delilah Stillwater

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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

My bad just the orisons, you're not a f/m/c :)

It would be fairly comedic if an elf first starts out as f/m/c then decided before 1st level not to be a mage only to get the 0 level spells
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Sweet ok.
Thowing a pic in here for Delilah
delilah.jpg (12.26 KiB) Viewed 6633 times
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

My math for the Thac0 for my weapons

20 -1 race -2 double spec -2 for Dex = 15 Thac0 for Long Bow (Does that translate into the composite when I can afford one?

20 - 1 race -1 spec -2 STR = 16 Thac0 for Long Sword Any cool moves for double spec in long sword?

Any special rules on heals? Or they are buffed with my free 1 hp heals per day? Just asking since you have some sweet buffs to most everything.

Can I fill in mundane things like backpack and rations, rope and that kind of thing on the families dime?

I think my sheet is almost done.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Do I need to have Danger Sense activated? Or is it just there, and you secret roll to see if I sense something?
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

danger sense is passive. I'll roll to check and see if you sense any if any potential threat is afoot e.g. you sense something pointy is being aimed in your direction.

My math for the Thac0 for my weapons

20 -1 race -2 double spec -2 for Dex = 15 Thac0 for Long Bow (Does that translate into the composite when I can afford one? Yes. The only thing composite is is it gives you strength bonus to damage on arrows.

20 - 1 race -1 spec -2 STR = 16 Thac0 for Long Sword Any cool moves for double spec in long sword? +2, +3 hit/damage, you'd be able to say disarm a opponent and have their weapon fly somewhere particular (like at your feet), or parry 2/3 different attacks with one single parry. E.g. multiple bandits are trying to skewer you with spears, you block 3 incoming spears with a single parry. I'd say you can attack and parry at the same time as well instead of parrying and negating an attack.

Any special rules on heals? Or they are buffed with my free 1 hp heals per day? Just asking since you have some sweet buffs to most everything. Just buffed.

Can I fill in mundane things like backpack and rations, rope and that kind of thing on the families dime?

rope 50, elven rations, 2 sets of clothes, makeup kit, 3 flasks filled with water, pouch of spices, 4 vials of holy water
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Perfect, thx!
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