Karlene Blackcloud by Chris1234
Female Dhampir Mage/Cleric/Thief (1/1/1), LN
Black leathers, government operative
XP: 0/0/0 (2,500/1,500,1,250 TNL) +10% xp to each class for high stats
Stats: Str 17 (+1 to hit/+1 dam, OD 50%, BBLG 13%), Dex 17 (Rea/Att +2, Def -3), Con 16 (+2HP, SS 95%, RS 96%), Int 18 (85% Learn Spell, 18 Max, +7L), Wis 16 (+2 Mag.Def), Cha 11
Language(s): spoken: common, elvish, dwarven read: common
bonus NWP: *Etiquette
secondary skill: artiste (music instrument: harpsichord)
You were born in the royal palace of Corealis, the young queen was impressed by your parents and loved them since she herself had no parents of her own.
Due to your naturally stealthy and sharp eyed wit, you soon became a courtesan and intrigued on behalf of the throne, delivering sealed messeges that were too high risk to be dispatched by falcons. Your handler is a Nyriddian named Myrrack. Never having met or known anything of Nyriddians and their ilk, you soon discover they are dastardly cunning, capable fighters decisively tougher, resolute, and opinionated than Nyrian southerners.
Myrrack is a man who is naturally handsome and cheeky, but noncholant and carefree. Strong as an ox, perhaps stronger than an ox. He is capable to easily take on ten men at a time which he clearly demonstrates in the training yards and the keep training rooms time and time again. As though this were nothing to him but mere drills. Opponents who look even more shredded and terrible were nothing to the Nyriddian.
He stood only at 6'1, dark brown hair, smooth shaven face, had zero body fat and only a corded feline physique, cat-green eyes and strangely white teeth that seemed more like pearls than teeth of men.
Myrrack summons you one day and bades you to have a seat. He says 'No more deliveries of secret messages for you, girl' he wiped his mouth and said 'on the morrow, you go to the Boarshead Inn. A mage has called a secret meeting therein, you go and find what this is all about." he paused to reflect then continues 'find out what he has to offer, go along with any given plan if it soundeth good. Mage is from Ghis, queen likey Ghis people, even if they are weak and stupid. She wonders what he is up to, that is where you come in. Use some of those big brains of yours to find out. Myrrack only loves fighting, sometimes eating and fucking but mostly fighting. All of this trickery and intrigue brings Myrrack no glory or girlies, no food or funs. Do not bungle this, no blunders. I give you orders not from myself from her highness who expects no less than your very best. If you're drinking, you're drinking with the queen. If you're fucking, fuck like you're fucking the queen with my huge cock, and if you're killing you're killing the queens enemies, but you kill them beautifully like art. The queen doesn't need stupid agents, and in this game the players who survive are the ones who know when to obey, and when to defy"
Myrrack pats your romp playfully with the flat of his sheathed sword 'this, and this' he points out your bussom 'are weapons, use them. Look you now, your hair, your style...you stand out like soar thumbs. Try not be noticeable. You work for queen now, not two bit thieves guild. If I need you kill, you kill. If I need you fuck, you fuck. If I need you steal, you steal, and if Myrrack needs Karlene to go kill herself she should asks in what fashion. But Myrrack not do, not yet. Do not give him any reason to. Be good, Myrrack counting on you"
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Karlene Blackcloud
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Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Female Dhampir Mage/Cleric/Thief (2/3/3), LN
Black leather clothes, government operative
XP: 4,220/4,605/3,775 (5,000/6,000/5,000 TNL) +10% xp to each class for high stats
Stats: Str 17 (+1 to hit/+1 dam, Carry 85lb, OD 50%, BBLG 13%), Dex 17 (Rea/Att +2, Def -3), Con 16 (+2HP, SS 95%, RS 96%), Int 18 (85% Learn Spell, 18 Max, +7L), Wis 16 (+2 Mag.Def), Cha 11
Ht:5’6” Wt:98lbs, Age:28
Hair: Black shoulder length, untamed
Eyes: Green. Turn a golden light during bloodlust
Racial Abilities
Infravison: 120'
MV: 15"
Bloodlust: At 1/2 loss of current HPs in blood (whether slashing/piercing weaponry or spell) you go into a blood lust frenzy and attack nearest living being regardless if they are friend or foe unless save vs Wis/2.
Double damage from natural fire (at Lvl5).
Half-vampire sleep: 4-6 h/2d = 8h for human etc. Also heal as a human (1-2 hp) from full rest.
Karlene can see through Fury's eyes and heightened sense of smell (tracking by scent 90%)
AC: 2 (+1 Scale, AC5;Dex -3 )
Spells in Effect: Protection from Evil [Holy scale mail]
Current HP: 22/22 {r. 0.3} Status: Normal (MV 15”/15”, Unencumbered <85lb)
Saves: PPDM (10); PetPoly (12); RSW (11); BW (15); Sp (12) [+3 Def Adj (Dex); All +3 & ¼dam from fire & cold & ½dam from elec (+1 & ½dam star gem:fc, +2 & ½dam I.S.RoP:fce); +4 Mag Def (+2 Wis, +2 Lor) & 50%MR v mind effects]
WP: Mace (+3 to hit), Signature Weapon (Mace, RoF 3/2), THAC0: 20 base
Mace: 1d6+4+1(SG)/1d6+3+1(SG), [SF7], THAC0: 17 (+1 Str, +1 SW, +1 SG) emits white flame on striking
Dagger: 1d4/1d3, [SF2], THAC0 22 (-3NP, +1 Str)
Sling: 1d4+2/1d6+2, [Range 5/10/20; RoF 1/1], THAC0: 21 (-3NP, +2 Dex)
NWP: *Alertness(17), *Animal Empathy (11), *Etiquette(11), *Rapid Healing Factor (8); *Intelligence Gathering (18), *Infiltrate (17), and*Torture Resistance (18), *bonus NWPs
(3 Init, 7 INT) Demonology (18), Disciplie (16), Find Secret Doors (18), Healer's Touch (16), Obscure Knowledge (16), Photographic Memory (18), Spellcraft (16), Stealth Casting (18), Swimming (17)
Secondary skill: artiste (music instrument: harpsichord)
Language(s): spoken & R/W: Ancient Common, Common, Dwarven , Elvish, Gnome, Goblinoid, Jez'zurian, Lizardman & Thieves’ Cant
Class bonuses/abilities:
Rogue Skills & Death Strike [For Cleric/Thief of Lor. Costs 500xp {paid}, two NWP slots & 8 training sessions {1 done}]
Divine Casting, Turn Undead, Arcane casting, Divine & Arcane scroll
Can use any magical items usable by clerics or wizards.
PP 55%, OL 38%, FRT 30%, MS 47%, HS 40%, DN 20%, CW 87%, RL 0%, BS +4 (x2 dmg), Death Strike
85% chance to learn. Max spells per lvl: 1st 6/18
Spellbook (Runecube) 1: [1st lvl spells, 6/35 pgs used]
Spells Known:
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Arcane Mark, Dancing Lights, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Disrupt Undead, Flare, Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost, Read Magic, Resistance, Touch of Fatigue
Lvl1: Armour, Charm Person, Comprehend Languages, Identify, Mending, Read Magic
Memorized Spells: (3//2/-/-/-/-/-/-/-/-)
Cantrips: Detect Magic, Message, Read Magic
1st Level: Charm Person, Identify
Turn Undead:
Skeleton: 4, Zombie: 7, Ghoul: 10, Shadow: 13, Wight: 16, Ghast: 19, Wraith: 20, Mummy: -, Spectre: -,Vampire: -, Ghost: -, Lich: -, Special: -
Clerical Spells:
0th Level: Create Water, Cure Minor Wounds, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Guidance, Inflict Minor Wounds, Light, Mending, Purify Food & Drink, Read Magic, Resistance, Virtue
1st Level: Bless, Ceremony, Combine, Command, Cure Light Wounds, Detect Evil/Good, Endure Heat/Cold, Invisibility to Undead, Magical Stone, Penetrate Disguise, Portent, Precipitation, Protection from Evil/Good, Remove Fear, Resist Cold, Sanctuary
2nd Level: Aid, Align Weapon, Augury, Chant, Detect Charm, Detect Life, Dust Devil, Enthrall, Find traps, Holy Symbol, Know Alignment, Messenger, Resist Fire, Silence 15'r, Slow poison, Snake Charm, Speak with Animals, Spiritual Hammer, Withdraw, Wyvern Watch, Zone of Truth
Memorized Spells: (3//4/3/-/-/-/NA/NA)
0th Level: Create Water, Detect Magic, Purify Food & Drink
1st Level: Command, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds, Cure Light Wounds
2nd Level: Align Weapon, Find Traps, Silence 15'r
Unique Spells:
2.Align Weapon; R: Touch; Components: V, M (Target weapon); CT:5; D: 3r/level; AoE: 1 weapon; Save: None; Description: +1 to hit & 1d6 dam vs CG or CE.
2.Zone of Truth; R: 90'; Components: V,S,M (Holy icon & fake gem); CT: 5; D: 1r/level; AoE 5''/level cube; Save: Negates; Description: Prevents speaking any deliberate & known lie.
Voice 3rd level cleric spell
Components: swallow a thimbleful of olive oil, holy symbol
Description: you cause your voice to increase and modulate in a throaty, powerful, augmented fashion. Any within hearing range must make a save vs. spells or comply to a specific demand. This could be a simple request such as sitting down, laying down, or doing something against their will. However it can be broken on a WIS check at 1/2 after a successful save vs. spells is achieved. If aimed at a single target that being must save with a -5 penalty to their roll.
Winged Mount 2nd level cleric spell
Components: griffon/hippogriff feather
Description: the cleric summons a winged flying beast to themself which takes 1-4 rounds to arrive, appears in a shimmering blinding light. In flies a winged avian that will also fight to protect the cleric. This can be anything from a Hippogriff , Giant Bat, Giant Hawk, to a Giant Owl, Bee, Mosquito, or a lesser dragon. Though it will fight to protect you, it will not willingly do suicidal acts of heroic bravery in order to do so.
Portal Trace 1st level cleric spell
Components: a needle compass
Description: once cast on a gate or a magic portal, it will reveal the location of the last users of this portal went to, also revealing the number of persons and slivers of conversation including activation passwords
Equipment: Wt Carried: 71.2lb
Worn: Black leather shirt, belt, trousers, scale mail [+1, Holy], elven cloak & elven boots. Backpack (2lb), Mace (10lb), Iron Mask Pendant, Large Beltpouch x2 (2x1lb), Dagger (1lb), Sling, Waterskin (5lb), silver ring (Bee symbol), 2 daggers, Dagger in spring-loaded wrist-sheath, Boot dagger, Imperial Scout's RoP +2
Backpack: Candles x8 (8x0.5lb), Large Sack (2lb), Paper x9, Quill x2 Spikes x4 (4lb), Steel Flask Oil x4 (4x2lb), Steel Inkpot, Trail Rations 1w (7.5lb), 25' twine (300lbf) & grapple, kidnappers' scroll (numbers/notes), Lucien's scroll of summoning, 2 thin books (*)
Hung off backpack: Rope 50’ (7.5lb)
Beltpouch 1: Bullets x9 (9x0.2lb), Incense Stick, Steel Flask Holy Water x1 (2.5lb), Steel Flask Oil x2 (2x2lb), & Tinderbox (0.2lb), 95pp, 54gp, 2ep, 2sp, 1 pearl, 1 ruby
Beltpouch 2: Candles x2 (2x0.5lb), Large Sack (2lb), Spikes x2 (2x1lb) & Thieves tools (5lb), 1 vial of acid, 2 vials of glue, 2 pearls, 1 diamond
Stash at Assassins's base: 110pp, 132gp for Identify pearls
Stash at Stoich Safehouse: 210pp, 180gp, 20sp From architect: Chain-weapon scarab, Robes, Ordinary-looking dagger, Black metal glove (metal sling-bullet attached to each finger)
Mace: When the button is depressed in the handle, the head detaches flies upward and seven separate spikes with chord-twine attached shoot up to 25' in every direction. This be used to as a stopping net between two trees to dismount enemy riders, a climbing tool to slow falls, or as a surprise attack. The mace head can be retracted with a double press of the same button.
There will be gas filled cartridges in the handle that fuels the pressure needed to shoot said mace head, each one is good for 20 uses before requiring a change.
Stargem in Karlane's mace emits white flame on striking.
Stargem can heal (1/week) if allowed to absorb the power of the sun for five hours.
Gloves of magic missiles: (4 bolts, x3/day), cobalt & emerald gems near the knuckles
Greater God of Secrets, Life, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Light. AL: TN Holy symbol: Mask
This ancient order is revered and looked upon as the ultimate authority on obscure subjects, and are employed as highly coveted investigators, barristers, spies, detectives, counselors, sages, demonologists, bodyguards and protectors.
Lorian priests and priestesses also have the reputation for fair impartiality and keen legal minds able to find loopholes in any system and to exploit such to their advantage.
The core doctrine of the order is to safeguard and protect certain secrets from being released into the wild, and to intentionally unleash others that are due to be discovered. Some are beneath the immediate notice of others, and others are significant (e.g. coming of a new king, birth of a new God, the second cataclysm)
Custodians of all the worlds knowledge, some followers of Lor can be thought to be knowledgeable skilled fighters, others know magic or forbidden technology, and some are trained illusionists and thieves. It is because of this multi-faceted skillset that most Lorians are afforded a grudging healthy respect and reputation that proceeds them.
Two handed mace, footman’s mace, staff, dagger, or chain-whip are typical preferred melee weapons of the Lorian order.
Last edited by Chris1234 on Fri May 12, 2017 3:21 pm, edited 77 times in total.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Focus: (chr, int) channeling your adrenalized fury, your will, rage, or your spiritual faith or ki energy you are able to perform a special feat of mind over matter. This can be a simple act as lifting a heavy log off of a comrade to a boulder. Indomitable will provides a +2 bonus to this check. It can only be used once a day.
Healers touch: (wis) your deity has given you the divine gift of spiritual healing, you're able to heal with touch similar to a paladins touch. Similarly evil clerics gain Wounding touch instead.
2 handed mace is same as one handed only the handle has sufficient room for 2 hands, less chance of being disarmed.
Your eyes turn a golden light when you're under blood lust fyi.
Healers touch: (wis) your deity has given you the divine gift of spiritual healing, you're able to heal with touch similar to a paladins touch. Similarly evil clerics gain Wounding touch instead.
2 handed mace is same as one handed only the handle has sufficient room for 2 hands, less chance of being disarmed.
Your eyes turn a golden light when you're under blood lust fyi.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Hey I'd missed that you'd slipped in "2-weapon style" - cool!
Down that mean that two maces can be wielded? In which case I might switch from a quarterstaff. Only took that on the off chance of finding a mage type staff..
Or, I suppose, could allow two strikes from a quarterstaff, one from each end of it.
From memory two weapons are usually -2 to hit with primary and -4 secondary, off set by Dex bonus, so becomes -0/-2 to hit. is this correct for 1st Ed/your campaign?
Ahh maybe you didn't add in "2-weapon proficiency" - I 'd nicked a copy of someone else's char sheet to clone the formatting...
(This is the first day this week when I haven't felt wiped out.)
Nice background bit btw. Myrrack sounds like the unpleasant bloke down the pub that everyone hates but is too big to piss off.
Down that mean that two maces can be wielded? In which case I might switch from a quarterstaff. Only took that on the off chance of finding a mage type staff..
Or, I suppose, could allow two strikes from a quarterstaff, one from each end of it.
From memory two weapons are usually -2 to hit with primary and -4 secondary, off set by Dex bonus, so becomes -0/-2 to hit. is this correct for 1st Ed/your campaign?
Ahh maybe you didn't add in "2-weapon proficiency" - I 'd nicked a copy of someone else's char sheet to clone the formatting...
(This is the first day this week when I haven't felt wiped out.)
Nice background bit btw. Myrrack sounds like the unpleasant bloke down the pub that everyone hates but is too big to piss off.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Correct concerning the 2 weapon style.
Myrack is every bit a barbarian, but a cunning one, and he loves to fight. He can kill just about any man and you've seen him do so without much effort, including other knights. Most of the men quickly grow irritated by him but he gets the job done and doesn't take shit from anybody, he's also got a good soul despite his Nyriddian ways.
Myrack is every bit a barbarian, but a cunning one, and he loves to fight. He can kill just about any man and you've seen him do so without much effort, including other knights. Most of the men quickly grow irritated by him but he gets the job done and doesn't take shit from anybody, he's also got a good soul despite his Nyriddian ways.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Generating kit. Initial money roll:
Money x10GP [3d6] = 10 so 10x10GP=100GP
Money x10GP [3d6] = 10 so 10x10GP=100GP
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Char sheet complete.
Loot from the assassins added in: 5PP, {20/5, correct?} silver ring (Bee symbol), 1 vial of acid, 2 vials of glue, 1 piece of twine and grapple {What length?}
Loot from the assassins added in: 5PP, {20/5, correct?} silver ring (Bee symbol), 1 vial of acid, 2 vials of glue, 1 piece of twine and grapple {What length?}
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Each assassin had a spool of 25 ft twine, strong enough to hold up to 300 lbs.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Karlane's notes:
- Gloves of magic missiles (x3/day), cobalt & emerald gems near the knuckles
Elven cloak
Elven boots
- Elven dagger, contains 3’ garrotte
Elven glassteel katana [+1. -4 v parry, WS1]
Elven hauberk (chainmail) ==> Azonia
From pimp: signet ring (black scorpion, has a hidden spike), 3 gold teeth, tiny ledger book (list of names and unpaid debts)
Documents from Mage Karnac for Dezloz. Stolen from priests of Lor.
Map of 7 Watcer 'safe houses' disguised as Imperial ones (each iwith food, weapons, water, secure sleeping quarters, entertainment, training facilities & a vault.)
Glassteel ring (flame burning within.Engraved with runes 'Power', 'Firearrow', possibly 'Rings of the Elder Highlords')
Small bandolier of 12 vials (thyriz) off each officer
Broken Ones area: journal, pouches, shoes, rope, armor, sword and shield
adamantium ignot
a folded, collapsable glaive (a blade edged boomerang, 6 missing power gems)
Tiny map: Underground dungeon, "DWEMER CITY". Notes: 'Scroll of mapping, fragments are hidden in the city in 5 locations, 1 in hallow shaft of a halberd, 1 in an automaton, a Drow thief stole #4, and #5 is in the royal museum of Corealus, capitol of Nyr.
- From Red-robed cleric in forest:
neck purse-20 platinum
snake head ring- has a hidden prick inside of it, the smell of snake poison comes from the ring
ornate looking mace, incredibly lightweight.
dagger (hidden in wrist sheath) has a snake head on the crossguards
unholy symbol
2 vials/blood
2 vials/unholy water
Old looking book titled 'rune' - shows various runes of power and what they can do, when correctly written, and the power each contains. Some for protection, others for pain, condemnation
metallic glove in the palm which floated several metal spheres (unique Lorians, launches a metal object within the hand section that fires as a bullet.)
- Need to find Hedge (Blind mage, FarSeer), outskirts of Harby
Halfling (Varn Kilgot aka Spider) of 'The Brotherhood of Guardian Watchers'
Finish off the rooms where we rescued Meagan
Find unspecified intel from Copper Inn
Find (and sort out) Lomag cleric of DemoG, has 2 shadow protectors, runs the 'Broken Ones'. East and west tunnels are still infested (broken ones?). Opposed by Watchers.
Mage Karnak (Suel mage) in Harby, nominally works for Scaldar ("Password is Belzagoth"), wants twin brothers Lorig and Hanzar (assassins) & hates Lomag
Lord Scaldar (works for an emperor. Runs Drow & trolls), used to employ Ash, has a base (farm) in the suburbs of Lor and a secret base in the dark elf lands. Hunts Spider (who commands some elves.)
Unspecified black guard (legion) spies (forearm runic tattoo of two opposed dragons, red and black). Work for Dezloz?
Dezloz (usurper & tyrant) in the black kingdoms to the south
Ancient ruined Lorian underground temple somewhere near Harby - 'Vor' was asking who who's found it.
Ash has gone to find the location of this place we came here to find
Mayor <name of ???> hires people to kill orcs. Blood Ravens (mercs) won't take this work.
Black Officer's list of sleeper agents in Harby & location of a secret base on the outskirts of town (map???)
Guardsman thought our sister (Sister of Mercy) wanted us killed by the assassins (elf + dwarf) but Alzor Dam didn't. Either way they were to kill Ash after we'd found him. mentioned 'an inheritance'.
Draxcon ruins: a pair of father's swords ('Ebonblade', 'blueblade' both adamantium) on the second level beneath Draxcon
Journal extract: "Mayor of Harby...hired adventurers (200GP)... find the source of...disappearances. (Jermlaine?) Thief tailed 'Broken Ones' (source 'cleric @ Copper') to sewers. Directed from above. Mayor is corrupt." We need to find the cleric.
First lieutenant Kron Durauk Armour, (dwarf from Stormlands, rescued by Empire from being a Drow slave. Was employed by Dezloz until he staged his own death. Black Company want an item from him. Has a treasury. Watchers want to recruit the dwarf, who is strong and cunning, skilled in use of the claymore and a master craftsman. "Kron is an arcane smith, he isn't cheap. He was tired of crafting master level brands for the imperials for less than his hands are worth. Priests of Wrath Kron's hands (cut off by Imperials); regenerates.
- ‘Valley of the Archmage’ lies nestled at the base of the stairs to heaven, seven mountains in the heart of the Gate Mountains. Many pheonixes that prey on wyverrns in the region. An Archmage dwells there who is incredibly learned, ancient and wise. Many a king or queen consults with him.
Meeting in the valley of the arch-mage, between mount Keldon and Spear at the end of the week (Orc King Grizzlag, the Kobold king Knik Knik).
House Succundus is the noble house of the Lord Duke Commander Daynar Succundus, overlord of Lor. The most prestigious and powerful of houses, the dukes friends and family manage his household. He routinely enlists adventurers as hirelings in lieu of mercs. Daynar somehow systematically wiped out all rival houses to his own long ago, thought to be assisted by Elven affluence and with the aid of the Lor priesthood. He is a fighter-lord but also a diplomat and something of a spy. He has a brother named Mortiasgus, Belzzor, Garosh and a half sister named Sable Solatra his weapon master and bodyguard. Mortiasgus is his house assassin and spy, and Garosh force captain of Succundus house troops..He is currently being courted by the Nyrian queen AND the Elven Empress.
Basiliv is a mage, also a poet and a thief prior to his current role as a wizard.
Blood Raven (mercs) Commander is Barg Wilts. Group has high code of honor.
Not sure who Force captain Galdan Greyblade is.
Black Company were seeking 'Mask of Change' & 'Cats-Eye ring'.
'Mask of Change' allows wearer to change self once worn. Usually owned and used by holy assassins of Lor.
Thyriz is a spy or assassin type working for Karnak
There are 6 Watchers: Zar, Alleazar, Kronis, Magnus, Prince Brightflame, and Gellor
House Succcundus opposes Lord Scaldar
Last edited by Chris1234 on Tue Apr 25, 2017 10:36 pm, edited 27 times in total.
Re: Karlene Blackcloud
Idrys's list:
-Gloves, Dwemer magnetic
-Chimaera Leather armor (tailored to fit Idrys)
-Invisible Longsword
Unfinished business:
-meet up with Nyssa, take 'the tests' join the church of Lor
-punk from inn sent assassins after us but got away
-Fat man impersonating a Dhampir apparently into a lot of shady businesses
-Halfling that got away during the raid on the swamp people
-possibly join up with the Halfling "Watchers"
-"Elf and Dwarf"
-Mage in charge here in town wants us dead and Karlene for a slave/concubine
-assassin that attacked said there'd be more (from our sister according to Ash?)
-Gloves, Dwemer magnetic
-Chimaera Leather armor (tailored to fit Idrys)
-Invisible Longsword
Unfinished business:
-meet up with Nyssa, take 'the tests' join the church of Lor
-punk from inn sent assassins after us but got away
-Fat man impersonating a Dhampir apparently into a lot of shady businesses
-Halfling that got away during the raid on the swamp people
-possibly join up with the Halfling "Watchers"
-"Elf and Dwarf"
-Mage in charge here in town wants us dead and Karlene for a slave/concubine
-assassin that attacked said there'd be more (from our sister according to Ash?)