Cancelled, oh well.....Jenara wrote:I am away for the weekend.
I posted again, send it back if you wish.
Moderator: LadyWinterWolf
Cancelled, oh well.....Jenara wrote:I am away for the weekend.
They were advancing at one foot per round. Apart from their teleporting trick, that sounds pretty slow to me.Ismaels-Legacy wrote:"They're not slow...." Bjarg begins [ooc-attacks, swinging for the creature's legs] "We're just too damned fast!"
The Complete Bard's Handbook wrote:Joking: The practice of creating and telling jokes has been elevated to an art form by the Jester; this skill can be used for many special purposes. Jokes are told in an attempt to alter encounter reactions. For any form of joke to function, the Jester must speak a language known by the recipient of the joke. Furthermore, the Jester must be within easy verbal range of the recipient.
Such jokes require 1d10 rounds to tell, after which the audience must roll a saving throw vs. paralyzation with a -1 penalty per three levels of the Jester. Those who fail have their reactions adjusted one level in the direction desired by the Jester. However, those who succeed take the joke the wrong way and have their reactions adjusted one level in the opposite direction.
Finally, a joke told at just the right moment can dispel the effects of fear. Such a joke requires a round to tell and enables all those affected by fear (normal or magical) to roll a second saving throw to avoid the fear (note that those affected by the fear do not immediately run away, but remain until the joke is told). If no first saving throw was allowed, then the saving throw is rolled vs. spell.
Stik wrote:[OOC] Considering that the rutterkin attacked before going dark AND took the time in the same round to activate the darkness, and that I stated in my last post that Martin would defend if attacked, does he at least get a return attack during this round? [/OOC]
@ LWW - It looks like we've started a new round. Did the return attack that you said Martin was entitled to last round miss? Or is there something I should have done (given you dice rolls, etc)?LadyWinterWolf wrote:(OOC to Stik - Yes - basically just setting the stage (no pun intended) to make the melee a bit more interesting.)
Martin vs. Ayagnox is as follows:Complete Thief's Handbook wrote:Fast-Talking
1 slot, Charisma, special modifier.
Required: Swindler.
Recommended: Acrobat, Adventurer, Fence, Investigator, Smuggler, Troubleshooter.
Fast-talk is the art of distraction and conning. If a successful proficiency check is made, the fast-talker is able to get away with whatever scam he is attempting. Modifiers are based on the Intelligence and Wisdom of the target, as shown on Table 3. The DM may also introduce modifiers according to the difficulty or plausibility of what the character is attempting.
Target's Target's
Intel. Modifier Wisdom Modifier
3 or less n/a 3 -5
4-5 -3 4-5 -3
6-8 -1 6-8 -1
9-12 0 9-12 0
13-15 +1 13-15 +1
16-17 +2 16-17 +3
18 +3 18 +5
19 +5 19+ n/a
20 n/a
Modifiers are cumulative. Targets of Intelligence 3 or less are so dim that attempts to fast-talk them fail automatically because they can't follow what's being said. (Creatures that are so stupid are easy to fool in other ways, however.) Targets with Intelligence of 20 or more or Wisdom of 19 or more are impervious to fast-talking.