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Set in our own world, Earth, the planet we've lived on and have learned to love, cherish and grow from. However things are different. The world is barren, on fire, flooded or torn apart by mountains. Earth's elements have taken arms against humanity, striking right after the industrial era began. Because of this, humanity was never able to step forward with research. The raging elements have torn apart buildings, towns, event whole kingdoms have fallen. Only a few places hold man kind. The question is, will the elements ever stop their onslaught?

Moderator: Korgen

Forum rules
Rules will be simple and easy. No magic users, and you must be a human. Keeps the game on the edge of reality a little bit. However, in order to get the effect I want, magic IS in the world, just not accessible by humans.

Locked till and if the DM returns.
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Post by Korgen »

The rules are simple, I will be following the general rule set provided in the Player's handbook. I highly suggest you all read the combat rules located on page 133, aswell as the human infromation on page 12 in addition to your class information.

I will be following most of the rules with a few exceptions.
1. Crits will be achieved once you rule a 19 or 20(Dependant on your weapon) and you will NOT need to roll a comfirm check.
2. Non magic toons! No magic what so ever! Classes you can choose from are Barbarian, Knight, Marshal, Scout, Swashbuckler, Fighter, Monk, Ranger, and Rogue. Some of these classes have spells they can cast, They will be ignored for the purpose of the game.
3. Humans are the only race you can choose.(Again, read through them)
4. For two weapon fighting, you only need 1 feat to negate any penalites.
5. All weapons you are NOT proficent with will provide a -2 attack roll penalty. You can get a feat to correct this.
6. You MUST declare any action DURING your turn. If you mention it after the fact, or before. I will ignore it and not give you the bonuses you would normally get.
7. A ranger's preferred enemy will be limited to Humans, and animals.
8.Starting level will be level 1.
9.Ability score method will be 4d6(Drop lowest)
10.For the first level only, you get your max HD+ Con modifer.
11. Any langage within the real world is allowed. Just make sure to make english your base langage.

Survival rules are.
1. For everyday you don't eat or drink you lose the ability to regenarate health for that day.
2. After 3 days of not eating/drinking you will begin to lose 2 con per day. once to hit 0, you die. you can get back that con damage with supervised attention from a doctor.
3.Some food and water may be a danger to your health. You will take damage or ability drain if you drink/eat the bad stuff.

In terms of weapons and armor the following will be available.
1 handed- Dagger, Club, Shortsword. handaxe
2 handed- Spear, Falchion, Greatclub
Ranged- Sling, Shortbow.
Light Armor- padded
Medium armor- Hide
Shield- Buckler.

Anything from page128, table 7-8 "Adventuring gear" is available with the exception to the ram, Spyglass, ladder, chest and Masterwork manacles.
None of this will cost you money. But it is also good to note that you will start in Balise. A hamlet with only 255 people. This place has a few shops but they don't have much stock.

And last but not least, not really a rule. But I like to provide a +1 skill bonus to those who write a backstory. The skill bonus will be applied to a skill of my choice, dependant on the backstory.

As the game goes on, it may be proven needed to add rules. I will alert you if such has happened.

The player's handbook aswell as the character sheets(Which you don't need to use) are provided here, at the Download center. ... 4gRmlsZXM=

Please post character sheets here Give me the link once you character has been complete. Thank you.
Last edited by Korgen on Tue Jan 08, 2013 2:05 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Updating.
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Re: Rules.

Post by Korgen »

Feel free to pm me character sheets, and thanks for the link. I'm sure everyone will find that useful, aswell as myself.
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Re: Rules.

Post by Jenara »

Ok, it seems that we have the same profiler here at PADND!

Link here:

So my link is here instead: Hazel Nightstalker

A few questions, which should help clarify things:
1. Starting Level.
2. Ability score rolling method? (Do you want these rolled on a site like Invisible Castle, and linked)
3. Are classes from the PHB II acceptable?
4. Are we rolling for starting HP? (Do you want this rolled on a site like Invisible Castle, and linked)
5. Are there any weapons, armor or equipment not available in the game? (I am assuming so...)
Last edited by Jenara on Wed Jan 02, 2013 5:35 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: She is made, tell me what you think of the character? I have all the rolls saved.
" Kid never learned to clear a room. Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."

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Re: Rules.

Post by Korgen »

Starting level will be level 1.
Ability score method will be 4d6(Drop lowest)
For the first level only, you get your max HD+ Con modifer.
The Knight, Marshal, Scout, and Swashbuckler can be used aswell.
In terms of weapons and armor the following will be available.
1 handed- Dagger, Club, Shortsword.
2 handed- Spear, Falchion, Greatclub
Ranged- Sling, Shortbow.
Light Armor- padded
Medium armor- Hide
Shield- Buckler.
You may also roll 1d10 for your starting gold.

Anything from page128, table 7-8 "Adventuring gear" is available with the exception to the ram, Spyglass, ladder, chest and Masterwork manacles.
None of this will cost you money. But it is also good to note that you will start in Balise. A hamlet with only 255 people. This place has a few shops but they don't have much stock.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, Still getting into the flow around here.
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Re: Rules.

Post by Korgen »

Just added a rule regarding langages. Any langages known to mankind within the real world is allowed. English acts as common, so everyone should know it.