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Idrys Stormcrow

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Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Idrys Character sheet (work in progress)


Idrys Stormcrow by TristenC
Male Dhampir Warrior/Assassin (3/3), TN
XP: 4,555/4,141 (8,000/6,000 TNL) +10% to Fighter xp for high Str
Stats: Str 17 (wt allow Lt/Med/Hvy 86/173/260,+500 coins?, + 1 to hit, +1 to dmg, OD 3, Bb/Lg: 13%); Dex 17 (React/attk adj +2, Def adj -3); Con 15 (+1 hp, SS 91%, RS 94%) ; Int 14 (4 bonus lang); Wis 12; Cha 11
ht:6'1 wt:175 lbs, age:19
Hair: white, close cropped
Eyes: Cold blue ice. Turm red during bloodlust
AC: 1 (-3 dex, -6 Chimera leather, fitted)
Current Hp: 33/33 Status: Normal (MV 12/12)

Saves: PPDM (13); PetPoly (12); RSW (14); BW (16); Sp (15) [3 def adj Dex for dodgeable saves]

WP: Longsword (Str +1 hit, +1 dmg; Double specialization, +3 to hit, +3 dmg), Longbow (+2 to hit for Dex) Thac0: 20 base
Longsword: 1d8+4/1d12+4 (Dmg: +1 str, double wep spec) spd 5 (Thac0: 16)
Longbow: 1d6/1d6 (Range 7/14/21; RoF 2/1) spd ? (Thac0: 18)
NWP: Parkour (Dex)[17], Voice Mimicry (Int)[14]
Bonus: Alertness (Wis+1)[13], Animal Empathy (Cha)[11]; Discipline, Horsemanship Rapid Healing Factor (Con)[15],
Two-weapon style
Languages: Common, Ancient Common, and a smathering of Jez'zurian, (a french-ish local dialect)
Read/write: Common, Ancient Common

Thief skils (as thief 2 lvls lower than assassin level)
PP 35% (base 30+5 dex); OL 40% (base 25+10 dex +5 race); F/RT 20% (base 20); MS 30% (base 15+5 dex +10 race); HS 25% (base 10+5 dex +10 race); HN 15% (base 10 +5 race); CW 85% (base 85); RL 0% (base 0)

Racial Abilities/Weaknesses:
-Infravision 120’
-Animal empathy.
-Rapid Healing factor: (NWP, CON) you heal faster than others through normal rest/sleep. This is checked vs. con at 1/2.
-Blood Lust (Special weakness): If you lose 1/2 your hp in blood you go into a mindless frenzy and attack the nearest being whether friend or foe
-spider climb: x3/day, requires concentration/INT, 1 hr duration
-spectral vision: x3/day, one hour duration

Class bonuses/abilities:
Weapon specialization
Backstab (2x dmg)
Rogue Skills (at lvl 3)
Thieve’s Cant

Background skills:
Two-Weapon style
Discipline [+1 to hit/damage/saving throws for every first encounter of the day]

Equipment: [wt in 'coins']{objects in container}
Worn: 'Invisible' Longsword [60], Longsword #1[60], Longsword #2[60], dirk #1[10], Leather armor [150], Longbow (across back), Quiver {Arrows 15x [30], Silver Arrows 5x[10]}, pouch small {30gp 9sp 6cp, scroll w/crazy writing, key#12, guards keyring (4 keys)}
Worn eq wt [in coins]: 405 coins (40.5 lbs)

Backpack[2]{dirk with nude lady handle [10], Arrows 15x [30], Silver Arrows 5x[10], rope[], oil[], crowbar[], 10 sheets of parchment [], griffon feather quill [], bottle of ink [], Metal mirror large, waterskin, spikes metal 10x, hammer for spikes, sack lg, sack sm {168 gp 17sp }, rations 1wk, Tinder Flint & Steel}
Pack wt [in coins]: 398 coins (39.8 lbs)
Total Wt Carried: 803 coins (80.3 lbs). [Unencumbered with or w/o pack]

New Equipment:
Longsword: : you can see it when you grasp it. The handle has grooves for superior grip, the design is very aesthetically sophisticated and intricate, many small details such as the crossguards are a dragon and a lion squaring off with their tongues extended, a hilt with a protruding spike for skull bashing, some fanciful gems engraved into the blade. You note that it weighs less than your own longswords, about half the weight. He had a scabbard that seemed to be quite luxurious.

Black chimerae hide eclipse armor, inky black and non reflective, molded and fashioned to resemble the anatomy of the human body. The rib cage portion has a row of 4 dagger sheathes on left + right sides.The boots have dagger sheathes on the outer and inner portion, and the tips of the boots have hidden spring- blades in the toes that extend when you depress the toes (bladed boots). There is also a garrotte woven into the wrist bracers for easy strangulation.

Religious Faction of Assassins dedicated to Lor. He will have joined to discover the secrets of his race and origins, with a goal to find both his parents (particularly his father).

[gains spiderclimb
while on the ceiling, his eyes tingled. Then his eyes flashed with crimson light momentarily and his vision extended then bends to turn right and proceeds further down the passage you had traveled to arrive in this chamber.

gains spectral vision you can extend your vision and bend it around corners ahead of yourself, through keyholes and small cracks which helps you to see what dangers lie in wait.]

Knowledge: Idrys’ main driving force is to learn about his parents and his own vampiric nature. He wants to find both of his parents someday, and potentially join their worlds as an ally (particularly his father). He becomes associated with the Church of Lor, working for them as an assassin in exchange for information about his parents and his own nature. He might sometimes abandon other jobs or even allies to difficult situations for the chance to glean a secret about his mother and father.

Self-Improvement: Bortaan was a prime example to Idrys of the need for one to be able to rely on their own skills. His guardian taught him many things and Idrys internalized a constant thirst for improving himself so that he may be have the power and ability to find the answers to the questions he has.

Need to Feed: The desire to drink blood has dwelled in him for some time. Idrys tries to keep it in check, but ever since he took that first drink it has been very difficult for him. He typically has to feed about 1/week to keep it from crowding his thoughts. Bortaan’s discipline is the only thing that helps him keep it in check longer than that. (discipline check /day after 1 week? Can I get details on the ‘Discipline’ thing? Is it NWP?)

Money: Idrys knows he needs money for training, to buy secrets, to buy silence, to squirrel away in caches in case he runs into trouble. It is merely a means to an end for him, but he does work hard to get it because he knows that having it will make meeting his other motivations much easier. He saves up.

Apathetic: Idrys only cares about two types of ‘people’: Those who have some connection to his past or vampiric nature (other Dhampir, Vampires, people who knew his parents), or those who have what he considers valuable skills (fighting, assassination, stealth, etc). Everyone else might as well be wearing a sign that says ‘for food’ or ‘for money’.

Obsessed: Consumed with finding his parents and the specifics of his own origin. He will carry this so far as to occasionally abandon extremely lucrative jobs or put allies in jeopardy to learn even a small scrap of information.

Cold: Idrys nature is typically very cold and antisocial unless he is taking on a persona in part of his disguise. He can get quite emotional in certain situations (particularly bloodlust) but he is very good at hiding what few emotions he does feel from others.

Confident: Idrys is very confident in his newfound skills and ‘dark gifts’ sometimes overly so. He won’t take unnecessary risks due to his cautious nature and training, but he may overestimate himself in certain situations.

Background Pt1:
background (by dm)

you never knew your parents, they never were a part of your rearing.

You were raised by a hermatic retired soldier, strong of character, a realist, pragmatic and tough. He was Bortaan. The local farmers paid him for protection against countryside brigands that demanded tribute in harvest crops. You bore witness to Bortaan slaughtering an entire gang of the outlaws twirling two longswords in unflinching skill.

Bortaan was tough and unrelenting, teaching you swordsmanship, horsemanship, to read and write, simple maths, and general geography as well as discipline. Time to time, as you came to puberty and discovered your new eyeteeth had sprouted, he would sporadically bring a whore from some neighboring village and thrust her toward you, saying 'take her' calmly. He would grow irrate and agitated 'don't fight it lad, it's part of you...the bad. Don't pay any heed to this slut, she'd murder her own family for a silver coin' .

As time progressed you were able to exert self will and control the size of your fangs, the terrible awful insatiable lust of blood. You discovered that your nails were glass-like and sharp and when starving your face and skin look porcelain and unatrual.

Bortaan was dying, he had the rot inside. The bone rot, the worse of all rots. As he was slowly dying he gives you you a sword, dirk, fitted armor, clothes, and other equipment. He said 'I promised your mother I would watch over you, and I fulfilled that oath. Don't seek her out, she wanted you to live but you're not part of her world, or his. I only lived to serve. **cough.. *Seek the Lords of Dis, they can provide you with answers I lack"

He died the next day, early in the morning.

You left the remote hill country of Thaldiz Glade, heading westerwardly along well maintained highways that cut a snaking swath through patches of dense forested terrain, rolling meadows, flowing streams, vineyards and farmlands.

In a small forest you came upon a group of men, women and children when a storm of arrows rained down...all goes black as two arrows sunk into your back and a pile of bodies smothered you...

Background Pt2:
Idrys never knew his parents, he was raised by a hard, disciplined man… an old retired soldier named Bortaan. He was responsible for Idrys’ education and well-being, and he drove the young man hard. At a younger age the boy occasionally resisted, wanting only a normal life; his only useful pursuit the solving of complex puzzles and riddles. As the years wore on, he gradually came to accept the relentless training as a simple fact of life. He went about his studies without vigor or commitment, and could tell Bortaan was disappointed. Not long after, Idrys witnessed Bortaan defeat a number of bandits single-handedly while fighting with two longswords… and a new fascination began to spark within him.

Eventually the young boy began to turn to manhood, and a terrible change beyond that of mortals came over him. Bortaan, expecting the transformation, brought him the first offering… the first sacrifice… Young Idrys resisted only briefly, quickly giving into the overwhelming urge to feed… Afterwards he stood there for a time, just looking down at the blood-smeared corpse of the woman beneath him… She had fought back, but even as a child he was stronger… her blood sated his new thirst. The exhilarating rush of adrenaline was stronger, more enticing than any ‘companionship’ she or any other could have offered. He considered the wretched thing, and a new understanding came over him of his place in the world. Then, he looked to Bortaan… He’s mortal… like her… but… he has purpose… Suddenly he understood. Bortaan had deadly skill… drive and determination, discipline, useful knowledge… Bortaan had power.

Thereafter Idrys threw himself completely into his studies, soaking up anything the old warrior offered to teach him with a thirst that paralleled his newfound sanguine desires. He trained hard daily, wearing himself out in mind and body; pushing until he was utterly spent, and driving for more. Finally Bortaan was proud. Throughout the years Idrys was filled with questions about his parents; where they were, who they were, why they had left him… Bortaan never answered them, no matter how many times he was asked. Eventually the old man grew sick; rotting away from the inside. 'I promised your mother I would watch over you, and I fulfilled that oath. Don't seek her out, she wanted you to live but you're not part of her world, or his. I only lived to serve. **cough.. *Seek the Lords of Dis, they can provide you with answers I lack"

These cryptic instructions raised even more questions... A burning desire to know grew within him. Who was this man? How had he known Idrys' parents? What was he to them, just some lackey or someone important? Were there others like Idrys out there? Even... siblings? Taking the gifts the old man had left him, Idrys set out to find true answers... and to find his parents.
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Re: Sheet

Post by spike »

ht:6'1 wt:175 lbs, age:19
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Re: Sheet

Post by TristenC »

What's the difference in 1e for 2-weapon style, 2-wep mastery and 2-wep specialization?
They didn't really have much of a distinction, actually. You would simply fight with two weapons and gain a hefty penalty with your second attack until either str bonus, specialization and what not reduced that penalty (unless you're a ranger of course). And there's a ambidextrous nwp as well which I always found to be an absurd requirement.

2 weapon style is simply you're trained and proficient with fighting two weapons. You can only attack, but can't do any advanced sword maneuvers.

specialization pretty much means it's your primary style and you get some +'s and no -'s for using the style, however you're still in student mode here. You're not a master level yet.

Mastery is when you devout additional WP points towards this school of fighting and you actually become an advanced combatant with the style. With mastery you'd e able to do things like attack with primary and defend with secondary at the same time, vs. only having the style you can only attack with both weapons and thats it.

In case you haven't already seen this here's a superb display of two weapon mastery
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Added motivations and quirks.

What is the game mechanic/details for the 'Discipline' thing he learned from Bortaan? Is it nwp? And how does it work

Discipline (int) va. WIS

You gain discipline from years of hard work. As a result you are more focused and organized than many, your weapons are always sharpened and at the ready, your clothes are cleaner, your mind is focused, and you continually get good rest, nutrition, and sufficient exercise and training. It is also an assassins best friend, instilling necessary patience and fortitude for hard work, lengthy missions, and prep work for hard to hit targets.

You gain a +1 to hit/damage/saving throws for every first encounter of the day.
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Added picture and background. I'm finding some good equipment, but are there any resources for eq aside from the phb?

I can't find weights for several items. Also, i'd like a normal small hammer for driving metal spikes.

Equipment so far:
1pp = 5gp = 100 sp =1,000 cp
150 gp to spend

Longbow (wt 15 coin, cost 60 gp)
Reg arrow 1pc (wt 2 coins, cost 2 sp) 30x = 60wt 60sp= 3gp
Silver arrow 1pc (wt 2 coins, cost 1gp) 10x = 10 wt 10gp
Quiver (holds 20 arr, 12 sp)
Pack 2gp
Mirror, lg metal. 10gp
Waterskin 15 sp
spikes 1 cp 10x = 1sp
Hammer for spikes?
Sack lg 16 cu = 1sp 6cp
Sack sm 10 cu = 1 sp
Rations 1wk 3gp
Tinder flint & steel 1gp
Total spent: 89 gp 30 sp 6 cp
150 - (90gp 10 sp 6 cp)
=> 59 gp, 9sp, 4 cp remain [wt 73]
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

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If you have some e.q. in mind from various sources and it's within reason (e.g. nothing terribly out there/fantasitcal) I'd allow it.
You can scavenge sites like these: for any interesting e.q. items. I've some source books in pdfs I'll rummage through.
Most of the e.q. selections in the vicinity of where he was raised is limited due to geographical reasons (i.e. you won't find exotic weaponry or e.q. in middle of countryside). Even a longsword that wasn't shoddily forged would be considered an extravagance. Obviously that all changes when you reach various cities with more diverse markets.

languages: Idrys speaks/reads common and a smathering of Jez'zurian, a local dialect (Scarlor version of 'French' if you will). You also know how to speak/read ancient common (basically this would be 'Latin' in my world).
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Thanks, I'll look around. What about poisons... because, y'know... assassin :D
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by spike »

You're really asking for poison at level 1? Lol might as well be asking for +5 dagger :)

Just to give you a comparison some of my players were happy to get potions and +1 daggers at level 6 before :)
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Just asking if it was available equipment for purchase. Never know until I ask, right? :) Not trying to be difficult or weasely
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by spike »

Oh I know lol it just made me laugh, actually.

You'll find buying them on open black markets would be a utter waste of time and money (imagine you spent so much gold on poison type A only to discover it does'nt perform as advertised) vs. making it or having it made, the later would be more of a reliable resource.

There is a common poison type that can be readily procured in game without a ton of cash required, yet you'll have to investigate how to have it made :)
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Groovy, thanks :)
Ummm... did you ever say if there are additional NWP slots available to a character for high Int? I asked but can't find where/if you answered
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

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Yes sir, 1 additional NWP per point of INT past 15.
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Dang, just missed it
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by spike »

s'ok, you won't use NWP a TON as opposed to adventuring, killing things, and roleplay :)
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Re: Idrys Stormcrow

Post by TristenC »

Just realized my longsword Thac0 should be 16 (+3 hit for double wep spec, +1hit for str). Corrected my sheet
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