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Delilah Stillwater

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Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Delilah Stillwater Character sheet (work in progress)

Delilah Stillwater by Nocturno
Female Human Monk (1) Lawful Neutral
XP: 0/0 (1,500 TNL)
Stats: Str (wt allow, to hit, to dmg, OD , Bb/Lg: %); Dex (React/attk adj , Def adj ); Con ( hp, SS %, RS %) ; Int ( bonus lang); Wis ; Cha
ht: wt: lbs, age:
Hair: Brown, bold blond highlights(Natural)
Eyes: Dark Dark Brown
AC: 10
Current Hp: 8/8 Status: Normal (MV xx/12)
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

@ Nocturno: still going with the fighter/cleric?
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Delilah Stillwater Character sheet (work in progress)

Delilah Stillwater by Nocturno
Female Elf Fighter/Cleric (1/1) Lawful Neutral
XP: 0/0 (2,000/1,500 TNL)
Stats: Str 18/59 (wt allow 3050 , to hit +2, to dmg +3, OD 1-4, Bb/Lg: 25%); Dex 16(17)(React/attk adj +2, Def adj -3); Con 16(15)(+1 hp, SS 91%, RS 94%) ; Int 14( 4 bonus lang); Wis 18(MAA +4); Cha 13
ht: wt: lbs, age:
Hair: Brown, bold blond highlights(Natural)
Eyes: Dark Dark Brown
AC: 10
Current Hp: 9/9 Status: Normal (MV xx/12)
Thac0 with Long Bow: 15 DMG: 1d8+3 Attacks: 2/1
Thac0 with Long Sword: 16 Dmg: 1d8+5 / 1d12+5 Attacks 3/2
Saves: PPDM (10); PetPoly (13); RSW (14); BW (16); Sp (15)
[3 def adj Dex for dodgeable saves, 4 Magical Attack Adjustment to will saves]

Languages: Elven, common, halfling, gnome
NWP: alertness, riding-L.B., etiquette, bonus: Danger Sense
WP: Double Specialization LongBow, Specialization Long Sword

Longbow specialization
4 - double specialized +2, +3 to hit/dmg, #attacks: 2/1
nailing shot - you gain the ability to nail an opponent to a wall, a tree, or you nail their arm to their body using arrows with a -4 penalty to make such shots (reduced by dex and +'s to hit from str)
Cleric Spells: 3 First Level(Including 2 Bonus)

Level1 Cure Lightwounds x2 Command x1

You also get to use 3 'Orisons' and 3 cantrips per day:

0-Level Cleric Spells (Orisons)

Create Water: Creates 2 gallons/level of pure water.
Cure Minor Wounds: Cures 1 point of damage.
Detect Magic: Detects spells and magic items within 60 ft.
Detect Poison: Detects poison in one creature or object.
Guidance: +1 on one attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.
Inflict Minor Wounds: Touch attack, 1 point of damage.
Light: Object shines like a torch.
Mending: Makes minor repairs on an object.
Purify Food and Drink: Purifies 1 cu. ft./level of food or water.
Read Magic: Read scrolls and spellbooks.
Resistance: Subject gains +1 on saving throws.
Virtue: Subject gains 1 temporary hp.

Gear: Longsword, scalemail, small shield, Long Bow Elvish Armor piercing sheaf arrows(20), quiver of 5 grapple headed arrows (each one has a thin but strong line of 25 ft of strong chord that can carry 300 lbs.
Last edited by Nocturno on Tue Jul 05, 2016 1:26 pm, edited 14 times in total.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Do you roll the percentile for str? Or can I?

Height age weight? Same as 2nd?

I have a 1st edition book but it seems to be lacking, do we have resources for these books?
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

You can roll the str d100 for percentage. ... basicrules
this should help!

height: whatever you want, weight: depens on E.Q., age: most likely 15-16, give or take.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Thanks for the link.

It seems to be a bit less detailed than the PHB I have a pdf of.

Looking for Saving Throw and Thac0 tables and the like.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

Thac0 figures (from level 1,2,3,4, etc going least to higher level) L-R

1e: 20 20 18 18 16 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4* 4 4 4

1e: 20 20 20 18 18 18 16 16 16 14 14 14 12 12 12 10 10 10 9* 9

Thief (Rogue):
1e: 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 16 16 16 16 14 14 14 14 12 12 12 12 10*

Magic-user (Wizard):
1e: 20 20 20 20 20 19 19 19 19 19 16 16 16 16 16 13 13 13 13 13 11*

1e: 19 16 16 15 15 13 13 12 12 10 10 9 9 8 8 7* 7 7 7 7

Most of those matrixes will be in the DMG, not the PH.

Character Group and Paralyzation, Poison, Rod, Staff, Petrification Breath
Experience Level or Death Magic or Wand or Polymorph* Weapon** Spells***

Poison, Rod, Staff, Petrification Breath
Experience Level or Death Magic or Wand or Polymorph* Weapon** Spells***

1-3 10 14 13 16 15
4-6 9 13 12 15 14

7-9 7 11 10 13 12
10-12 6 10 9 12 11
13-15 5 9 8 11 10
16-18 4 8 7 10 9
19+ 2 6 5 8 7

1-4 13 14 12 16 15
5-8 12 12 11 15 13
9-12 11 10 10 14 11
13-16 10 8 9 13 9
17-20 9 6 8 12 7
21+ 8 7 4 11 5
0 16 18 17 20 19
1-2 14 16 15 17 17
3-4 13 15 14 16 16
5-6 11 13 12 13 14
7-8 10 12 11 12 13
9-10 8 10 9 9 11
11-12 7 9 8 8 10
13-14 5 7 6 5 8
15-16 4 6 5 4 7
17+ 3 5 4 4 6
1-5 14 11 13 15 12
6-10 13 9 11 13 10
11-15 11 7 9 11 8
16-20 10 5 7 9 6
21+ 8 3 5 7 4
* Excluding polymorph wound attacks.
** Excluding those that cause petrification or polymorph.
*** Excluding those for which another saving throw type is specified, such as death, petrification,
polymorph, etc.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

I didn't see it explicitly listed in the PHB for 1e but you use the best numbers just like in 2e?

Percentile for STR: [1d100] = 59

That young for a full elf? Life spans different in 1e?

Ugh my PHB I have has the movement area cut off... lol can you fill that in for me once I get the equipment purchased.

Starting gold for a fighter? 5d4 found it

Starting Cash: [5d4] = 7

So 70 Gold. I can't even buy chain lol.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

Ah forgot she's an elf, so make it 75, bit young for an Elf I know.

House Stillwater is an ancient house with a long history of valor and heroics in service to the Imperial throne. It also strangely has the long standing reputation for defiance, unorthodox methods, and consorting with more non-elves than actual elves as a balance to its dedication and service.

Your character will originate from the Black Forest Kingdom, ( specifically in Cloak Keep the Imperial castle. It is an ancient elven citadel that is invisible to non-elven eyes.

The city-state that is the seat of Elven imperial power is ruled by the Immortal Empress Lady Isiona, who only recently lifted sanctions and isolation between elves and men, due to the influence and heroics of the Lord Duke Commander of the human city Lor in the Kingdom Nyr who demonstrated to her excellency that not all men were weak or scum.

After your training and education, you gain a position of esteem within the Imperial council. It's decided that you will travel to the distant realm of Lor as a aide to the Elven ambassador and work the elven embassy there. The city is quite remarkable and interesting, an eclectic merge of various demi-human races in the architecture which combines Dwemer technologies, Dwarven and Gnomic engineering, and Elven artistry/aesthetics to create a truly unique city-state. Lately the Empress has concerns regarding dark activities transpiring in the bandit kingdoms and the dark elf lands, of whispered rumors of strange reportings, sightings and quizzical behavior in sects and cults throughout the Inner Kingdoms. You are assigned a mission to gather as much intelligence on these mysterious activities and debunk their operations if it proves to be an encroaching threat. What better way than to be in close proximity to the Temple of Lor, God of Secrets and Knowledge?

As an aid to enable you succeed in the mission your empress permits you to bring along your willy cousin: Ecnav Ablefingers. He has been a source of comfort to you in these human lands which you are unfamiliar, more at ease and comfortable in Nyr having traveled here many times delivering messages on behalf of the Empress. You knew he was a skilled spy, but he was incredibly adept in magicks most other magic-users tended to scoff at, employing them with surprisingly artistic application. He later confides that he was tasked with the mission to ensure your safety and success in all operations throughout the Inner Kingdoms.

Ecnav says to you: "Outside the Embassy, there is only one of the human houses that you can trust, the Lord Duke Commanders. I was captured by his minions while perusing through Succundus manor. Now few could easily notice me, much less actually capture me. The way his private team operated impressed me. They could have taught me some silly lesson, punish me or locked me up, instead they invited me to dine with them and provided me with many fascinating insights. I only spied on him because the empress I believe fancies him, though I cannot be certain. To fall for a human would be scandalous. Regardless, Daynar himself is a decent fellow, sharp witted and cunning, but not arrogant or prideful like most human lords. He see's things in unique ways. The Empress is wise to have such an ally in her camp"

He turns to you and pauses to sip some wine, then continues 'On the morrow I ride for Harby, I have some important business there. You must go in my stead to a secret gathering at some wayward place called Boarshead Inn, at behest of one Alzor Dam. He is an agent of House Telemvor, a proud and very affluent family known for its magic-users, priests and paladins. Go and represent our people, an alliance with House Telemvor would be in her majesties best interest. If you've need of me, I will teach you a powerful trick only our long lived house enjoys. It is called windspeech. Aeons ago the princes amongst air elementals taught this to our ancestors thousands of years ago, during the Drenai Dynasty. "

Ecnav psionically teaches you windspeech, essentially inserting it into your brain to where it feels as if you'd known it all your life.

"Only use it under dire circumstance, at times others may intercept such messages, just be cautious and aware of this" he said.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »


Work and kids are cramping my creativity this week lol.

I think I need to look for my WP and NWP, then gear, and finally personality, then I should be good to go?

Ok, so I have seached the 1st Ed PHB and DMG for non-weapon profs. How are we handling the number of those?

Weapons restricted by Cleric or allowed by Fighter?
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

Ah, have a beer on me :)

So you get 4 wp. It would make sense for you to specialize in either longsword or longbow since you get +1 racial bonus for both of them.

That's actually a very cool combo you have since cleric's have the best saving throws and you have a fighter's thac0, good solid choice.

I'd recommend this for her NWP's:

alertness, herbalism, riding-L.B., etiquette, bonus: Danger Sense (see below)

Danger Sense (2 Slots, Wis. +1): This proficiency provides the character with a sixth sense that warns him of impending danger from traps, hazards, and ambushes. After declaration, when the character is approximately one round away from triggering the threat (for example, in one round he’ll step on a rattlesnake if he keeps moving at his current rate), the DM makes a secret proficiency check. If the check fails, the DM tells him nothing. If the check succeeds, the character feels a tingling in the back of his neck or on the tips of his fingers; the DM tell him the general direction of the threat (in front, to the right, overhead, and so on). The character doesn’t learn anything about the type of threat; it might be pool of quicksand, a concealed lion, or a hidden trip wire. It’s up to the character to figure out how to respond to the warning. If the threat is an impending ambush from an NPC or a creature, the character automatically gains the initiative on the first round of combat (assuming that combat ensues one round after the character is altered by his Danger Sense). The DM may decide that the character’s Danger Sense does not work against unfamiliar dangers. If an island barbarian has never seen a poisonous snake, he might be oblivious to the rattlesnake’s danger. Exotic magical traps or illusions may also circumvent danger sense. Danger Sense lasts for 1 turn.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Well the diversity of the character was no mistake, I have played a couple in 2e. I have fun being able to bash heads, then heal them up... lol

So is that a total of 5 NWPs? I am struggling to find where the starting NWP amounts are listed.

Ok, so looking at my starting gold I can afford scale, a small shield and a long sword.

I would typically select a short sword , back pack leather scroll case 3 sm belt pouches rope 2 skins water and mead and my wooden holy symbol.

But I normally get a lot more starting coin lol.

Maybe she will get rolled on the way to the meet and only have her armour to speak of?

I like those profs, I can work with those.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

I rolled these for you:

INT: 15
WIS: 17
DEX: 17 (+1 dex racial bonus)
CON: 17
CHR: 18 (+2 bonus from high comliness)
COM: 19
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by Nocturno »

Oh lol I have to use different stats? I had the ones from the OOC.
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Re: Delilah Stillwater

Post by spike »

Ah that's right my bad, long day! Yeah just go with your original rolled stats.
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