Sweet! Where in Wisconsin, if you don't mind me asking ? I used to live up thereTigerStripedDog wrote: ↑Sat Feb 05, 2022 12:46 pm Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't been very active of late - lot of stuff going on in Tigerville, including (but not limited to):
- Raising 3 kids (9yo, 6uo, 4yo)
- Being a husband
- Church
- Working as a Hospitalist
- Running a real estate business
- Claiming to run (but really letting Marcus run) two Friendly Local Game Stores
- Playing D&D
- Playing a LOT of Warhammer 40k
... and if that wasn't enough, the wife and I just purchased a hotel/resort in Wisconsin, and we will be moving to our cabin year round! I'll still work (part time) as a doc, but the hotel is likely to eat up a lot of my time.
Hope everyone here is doing well
Check In Everyone!
Re: Check In Everyone!
What doesn't kill you just means you made your save... this time...
Re: Check In Everyone!

The Borg of Dungeons & Dragons
Re: Check In Everyone!
I can honestly say I never tested positive for it. I might have had it.... And Lol Stik
"Doors and corners, I told him. Doors and corners."
Re: Check In Everyone!
I've managed to avoid infection, and we even snuck in a vacation during the lull in October of 2021 (New Orleans again, and if anyone gets down there in the near future, hit me up for some restaurant recommendations. We found two new ones to add to the "Not To Be Missed" List: Central City Barbecue (lunch and dinner for carnivores) and Slim Goodie's Diner (amazing breakfast foods - plate sized pancakes that will keep you going until dinner time).
But I am still wearing a mask everywhere I go, and washing my hands constantly, and we're still quarantining our groceries and anything else that we bring into the house.
But I am still wearing a mask everywhere I go, and washing my hands constantly, and we're still quarantining our groceries and anything else that we bring into the house.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
Re: Check In Everyone!
I always wash my hands, but never wear a mask anymore (unless in a really tight area, IE plane). I'm not even worried about any covid issues at all anymore. Living my life and I don't want my kids scared anymore... those god dam masks wear killing their social skills. I went from the most paranoid, to probably the least paranoid over 2 years. I just make sure my family is clean, my house is bleached often and if they are sick, they stay home.
The Borg of Dungeons & Dragons
Re: Check In Everyone!
I found my way back a week or two ago. I mostly hang out in the 2e forums as there aren't a lot of good communities around for that. I left a few years back for a couple reasons. My second offline 2e campaign ended and the group wanted to play something different for our next game. And there was an absurd gatekeeping troll problem that stirred up drama most of the time when I'd post anything here. But it looks like that got resolved in my absence.
I started getting back into online tabletop RPG gaming recently so if everything goes well I should be in a D&D 2e and a 3.5 game soon and maybe have more to talk about.
I started getting back into online tabletop RPG gaming recently so if everything goes well I should be in a D&D 2e and a 3.5 game soon and maybe have more to talk about.
Re: Check In Everyone!
Good to have you back.
And gate-keeping is one of the behaviors that will be strongly discouraged going forward.
And gate-keeping is one of the behaviors that will be strongly discouraged going forward.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
- rredmond
- Peddler
- Posts: 232
- Favorite D&D Edition: 1st Edition
- Location: Southern New Jersey
- Contact:
Re: Check In Everyone!
Unless you are two hobbits tasked to the job by Treebeard?
for Play by Post gaming!
for Play by Post gaming!
Re: Check In Everyone!
I'm back. I finally returned to the table running my in-person game 2 months ago. This past Sunday was our 8th session and the players all hit level 2 this week with the exception of the Rogue who hit 3rd. I have spent the last 2 years diving deep into Castles & Crusades which I find to be what 3rd edition D&D should have been. It's very much just a progression of AD&D but we keep adopting so many 2E rules that after this campaign I might just switch back. I am running my campaign in Greyhawk, set in Ratik. It's great to be back.
As for Covid, I work for NY State Corrections and I work out of the Suny Hospital in central NY. When nurses go in covid rooms we always have to be with them. It was a shit show the first year. I was the first of us at the hospital with Covid in Dec 2020, my wife 2 days later. Two of my co-workers 3 and 5 days later. At the same time back in the prison we had 190 out of 600 officers sick at the same time.
My in-person gaming group consists of 2 other Officers, both of them also had Covid that winter. One got it again this year. One player is military and he had Covid this year. Two others are Teachers and both had Covid. There is only one player at my table that didn't have it at some point. One other thing, we were NOT playing during any of that time. We had put our game on hold for the last two years so this all happened outside of the game table. Fortunately we all recovered fine. My wife has some long Covid symptoms and is over a year into Parosmia which really sucks. Hopefully she will recover eventually.
Sounds like you guys got lucky. Unfortunately just washing hands, cleaning, and even masking wont prevent it. All is good to lessen the chances but when we got it we were at the height of the paranoia. Masked everywhere, didn't go out, cleaned obsessively, etc...can't wait to some day be beyond ALL of this.
So what is everyone playing these days? Like I said, I dove deep into C&C but in the last 2 years I have probably picked up a couple more shelves of D&D stuff from Ebay, Facebook groups, and Print of Demand stuff. I am fully back to old school AD&D style and no plans to ever change again.
As for Covid, I work for NY State Corrections and I work out of the Suny Hospital in central NY. When nurses go in covid rooms we always have to be with them. It was a shit show the first year. I was the first of us at the hospital with Covid in Dec 2020, my wife 2 days later. Two of my co-workers 3 and 5 days later. At the same time back in the prison we had 190 out of 600 officers sick at the same time.
My in-person gaming group consists of 2 other Officers, both of them also had Covid that winter. One got it again this year. One player is military and he had Covid this year. Two others are Teachers and both had Covid. There is only one player at my table that didn't have it at some point. One other thing, we were NOT playing during any of that time. We had put our game on hold for the last two years so this all happened outside of the game table. Fortunately we all recovered fine. My wife has some long Covid symptoms and is over a year into Parosmia which really sucks. Hopefully she will recover eventually.
Sounds like you guys got lucky. Unfortunately just washing hands, cleaning, and even masking wont prevent it. All is good to lessen the chances but when we got it we were at the height of the paranoia. Masked everywhere, didn't go out, cleaned obsessively, etc...can't wait to some day be beyond ALL of this.
So what is everyone playing these days? Like I said, I dove deep into C&C but in the last 2 years I have probably picked up a couple more shelves of D&D stuff from Ebay, Facebook groups, and Print of Demand stuff. I am fully back to old school AD&D style and no plans to ever change again.
Re: Check In Everyone!
Oof. Yeah, I did... I got sick a couple times in the last two years but it was probably something else. I work on a contract at a government healthcare organization. I just work on Linux servers all the time. Since the servers are virtual machines and the hardware is someone else's baby I've just been working from home the whole time. It did mean I got to relay good information to everyone I talked to early on (usually something to the effect of "that yappy face on the news doesn't know jack, here's a link to the CDC page about it").
As far as games... I tried to prep a Star Wars: Edge of the Empire game (by request) for my local gaming group during one of the lulls but scheduling ended up being the real Evil Empire. A few weeks ago I got tired of not having a game so I signed up for some online ones. So far I'm playing a duskblade/rogue in an adaptation of Spelljammer to D&D 3.5, a druid/mage in an AD&D 2e game where everyone is some flavor of multiclass druid, and a medtech in a Cyberpunk Red game. This was my first experience playing Cyberpunk (I'd played in a Fuzion-based game and a few short Shadowrun games before) but I was kind of impressed with how well it handled setting up characters and nudging players to sort out a few simple backstory bits that hook you into the game and setting.
- TigerStripedDog
- Marshall
- Posts: 550
- Favorite D&D Edition: 5th Edition
- Location: Peoria IL
Re: Check In Everyone!
We are waaaayyyy up Nort' as it were. I'm about 45 minutes south of Duluth MN and Superior WI. In the country. Nearest town most Sconnies might know would be Hayward or Rice Lake.
And unfortunately the Hotel/Resort didn't work out - but we are still glad to be here!
Oh, and I got COVID19 twice! PCR Confirmed with a negative test between.
*unreadable scribble*
Re: Check In Everyone!
Oh wow, sorry to hear you got sick but glad you're better now! I was on the opposite end down in and around the Milwaukee area, but went to enjoy the rustic areas northward on occasion. Beautiful up there
What doesn't kill you just means you made your save... this time...
Re: Check In Everyone!
Back from vacation.
Any issues while I was away?
Any issues while I was away?
"No matter where you go, there you are."