Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
Moderator: Stik
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
Since it's your returning how about a bump for some fantastic artwork? Love it all, is this something you are still active in?
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
I've actually got a bunch of new work to post, but I need to upload it and clean it up before I do so (I usually spend a few minutes cleaning up the scans before I post them - erasing stray guidelines and bits of eraser shaving that were on the page when it was scanned, and truth be told, on occasion fixing a typo).
"No matter where you go, there you are."
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
The following two pieces were done for a Make-a-Wish Foundation event. It was the wish of a young lady named Nikolina to be a princess for a day. Make-a-Wish invited my medieval group to provide some color for the event. To take it a step further, I prepared a scroll for the little girl, and another for the gentleman who was sponsoring the event.
Click on the thumbnails below for larger image (then click on the magnifiying glass icon for an even larger version).

The artwork on Nikolina's scroll is a copy of a picture she herself drew.

Click on the thumbnails below for larger image (then click on the magnifiying glass icon for an even larger version).

The artwork on Nikolina's scroll is a copy of a picture she herself drew.

"No matter where you go, there you are."
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
The Golden Bowl is an an achievement and service award given to cooks in the Kingdom of Acre. Dionysios received his GB a few years ago, but for some reason a scroll commemorating the award was not prepared. I was asked to do one as a backlog.
When he's not busy cooking, Dionysios jousts. And since it was not uncommon in period art to see a knight jousting against anthropomorphic animals...
(as usual, click the thumbnails for bigger images)

Baldwin von Eisenfaust is an up-and-coming fighter in the Kingdom of Acre. Acre gives the rank of Sergeant to fighters who have proven their skill and dedication and who are potentially on their way to knighthood. In the 2014 Crown Tournament, Baldwin, who was the last man standing from his team, managed to take down three Acre knights during the melee. His performance was so impressive that I was moved to offer him single combat. Baldwin fought me to a standstill, and I barely managed to defeat him after a very long fight (which would have gone the other way had it lasted another two minutes).
Now that we are on the throne, my Queen and I decided to acknowledge his achievement and his dedication by making him a Sergeant. The artwork on the scroll depicts our fight (I'm on the left, he's on the right.)

When he's not busy cooking, Dionysios jousts. And since it was not uncommon in period art to see a knight jousting against anthropomorphic animals...
(as usual, click the thumbnails for bigger images)

Baldwin von Eisenfaust is an up-and-coming fighter in the Kingdom of Acre. Acre gives the rank of Sergeant to fighters who have proven their skill and dedication and who are potentially on their way to knighthood. In the 2014 Crown Tournament, Baldwin, who was the last man standing from his team, managed to take down three Acre knights during the melee. His performance was so impressive that I was moved to offer him single combat. Baldwin fought me to a standstill, and I barely managed to defeat him after a very long fight (which would have gone the other way had it lasted another two minutes).
Now that we are on the throne, my Queen and I decided to acknowledge his achievement and his dedication by making him a Sergeant. The artwork on the scroll depicts our fight (I'm on the left, he's on the right.)

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Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
Very nice. As usual. 

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Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
"and shall hence forth enjoy all the rights and priveleges of such status including long beautiful dresses, pretty canopy beds, and chicken nuggets served on golden platters" I love itStik wrote:The following two pieces were done for a Make-a-Wish Foundation event. It was the wish of a young lady named Nikolina to be a princess for a day. Make-a-Wish invited my medieval group to provide some color for the event. To take it a step further, I prepared a scroll for the little girl, and another for the gentleman who was sponsoring the event.
Click on the thumbnails below for larger image (then click on the magnifiying glass icon for an even larger version).
The artwork on Nikolina's scroll is a copy of a picture she herself drew.

Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
Yeah, they asked the little girl why she wanted to be a princess, and that's what she said princesses get.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
"More" Excellent Stik Art!
I find myself super curious of the... motivation for these, or their background. I liked reading the story as well as the taking in the design.
I find myself super curious of the... motivation for these, or their background. I liked reading the story as well as the taking in the design.

Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
The Kingdom of Acre is a medieval recreation group based in New York that I have been involved in since the late 1980s.
Most of these pieces are award scrolls given to our members to commemorate some achievement or a new rank.
Most of these pieces are award scrolls given to our members to commemorate some achievement or a new rank.
"No matter where you go, there you are."
- rredmond
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Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
So good.
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for Play by Post gaming!
Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
It occurs to me that it has been some time since I've posted any of my work here, so here's an update (click on the thumbnails to enlarge):

"No matter where you go, there you are."
- rredmond
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- Posts: 232
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Re: Stik's Art - Calligraphy and Illumination
Always awesome man! Dig it, thanks for sharing.
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