The wizard answered, "Yes. Basically your job would be to hold a torch, lantern or other light source, allowing my companions both free hands to use their weapons or in my case cast spells."
"And where would you be going that you'd need me to do this?"
"There are many possible locations. A cavern called home by a goblin tribe, tombs infested with walking dead, the lair of an ancient dragon."
"And how much would this pay?"
"Ten percent of all treasure recovered, minus other expenses."
"Assuming there is treasure to be found," the shady-looking character interrupted, "Remember those ruins with only zombies and dire rats? quite a dissapointment."
Evan stood up, "Well, as exciting, glamorous and well-paid as the job sounds, I think I'll seek work far from the goblins, walking dead and the dragons. Good day." He briskly walked off.
After a while the tattooed brute turned to the wizard, "We're never gonna find someone dumb enough to take the job are we?"