PlanetADnD's general chat area. Post freely in here about all non D&D related topics. Share your daily thoughts, but please keep any profanity to a minimum. *NOTE* ALL religious and/or political topics will be deleted on sight if they are not related to D&D.
I'm just curious as to who frequents this forum often. It appears that several of our members are here quite a bit, while some users of the past do not sign in often for various reasons that have recently come to my attention.
Please just post a short (quick reply) below so I can get a rough idea of who's alive etc.
I'm about to do a major overhaul of this site (not including these forums) and want to make sure it's worth it. I have a feeling that lack of a modern web design is hurting this site, even though many have asked to maintain the old look and feel.
Please post any thoughts folks as I have the time now to make PADnD the one true BORG again!
I am here, but I pop less frequently, when I do I get the feeling I saturate everything with my posts and it passes weeks before they get an answer, and I am always looking for answers.
Let's see how long it takes everyone else. I do fear the statement "takes weeks to answer" is the major problem here.
Unfortunate for me, but I think that's my fault. I haven't had time to do jack shit for the site and it just doesn't draw people to it anymore. So that is now coming to an end ... I've already built the new gaming room and started redesigning the entire website last night. It's well under way and will put PADnD back on the map for good being compliant to all devices. Speaking of that... let's start a new topic about just that.
I hear yeah Jaded. My wife works the the R.C.M.P and she's been going none stop. poor lady ... feel so bad for everyone out there risking their personal health.
I'm here. Actually more here than usual. After working for a few weeks from home, I have been temporarily furloughed from my job. Supposedly we will be returning to working from home next week. Either way, seeing as work is slow and I'll be working from home, I should have more time to spend here.
I hope everyone else here is doing well. Do everything you can to stay healthy.
Agreed! We should all have way more time to spare now, thus why I'm givin er on the site. Nice to see people checking in though. Hope everyone is healthy
Cole wrote:Agreed! We should all have way more time to spare now, thus why I'm givin er on the site. Nice to see people checking in though. Hope everyone is healthy
My free time hasn't changed all that much on my end. Can't work from home with warehouse work, ha.
Though no idea how long it'll last. There is not enough work for the three warehouse staff we have as it is. Have heard talk of shutdown projects being put on hold from some of the drivers we deal with.