PlanetADnD's general chat area. Post freely in here about all non D&D related topics. Share your daily thoughts, but please keep any profanity to a minimum. *NOTE* ALL religious and/or political topics will be deleted on sight if they are not related to D&D.
We have decided to make minor changes to our moderation of these boards. No longer will we have global moderators. Each forum will have certain people assigned to it on an individual basis. Those individuals will be the people we consider to be the most qualified to run that specific forum.
The only two administrators on these forums from now on will be myself and Stik. Email us with any concerns, or changes you would like to see. Or nominate someone via PM to be a moderator of a particular forum.
Everything else, contact Cole or Stik and we will handle it.
I have also removed out of date / never to be seen moderators from lots of the forums. Please nominate someone that not only has the time to moderate, but also have the knowledge of the forum they seek to moderate.
Looking for moderators. If anyone is active and wants to take on the task of moderation for a particular forum please let me know, or nominate someone else