About Us
Founded in 2019 and based in Alberta Canada, ToyIntercept.com is a safe and trusted web site open to all users world-wide. ToyIntercept is a universal hub for a wide array of interaction, such as reviews, articles, classifieds, toy chat, public forums and more.
You can use ToyIntercept for listing personal items for sale, purchasing someone else's items or trading products to avoid "scalpers". You can post reviews about any toys, websites or products you desire. Chat in our chat rooms with complete strangers or anyone else you like. Search YouTube onsite via embedded code and play videos while you surf our site.
ToyIntercept is owned and operated by people just like yourself. We are not a giant cooperation looking to make millions off your personal viewing habits. We are not affiliated with anyone or any other web site. We do not share info with any 3rd party. We are for the people and always will be. We believe in free speech and meaningful purchases. Here at ToyIntercept we live, eat and breathe all things toys!.
Best of all, all of our features are 100% free to use!
Our Mission
Our ToyIntercept team felt the need for a web site that allows anyone to post freely, without the worry of being tracked via social media.
We want to let people post "REAL" reviews, unbiased and untainted by big corporations, media or political pressure.
We want to offer a pedestal for those to stand on that have no other place to speak freely without posts and/or one's comments being deleted. See our TOS for details.
We want a web site where anyone can post a classified ad without complication, yet offer an easy layout and the flexibility to offer a very detailed listing if so desired.
We want a web site where people can talk, chat and surf without annoying java-script or other commonly used features designed to burden users.