We take your privacy VERY seriously. ToyIntercept has made it our priority to ensure our users who wish to be anonymous, stay anonymous. Our privacy guidelines apply to all users across the globe, regardless of ethnicity, background or location. However it is strictly up to you on how, when and where you choose to maintain your privacy on this web site.
How does ToyIntercept maintain my privacy?
For most of our public content (comments, articles, classifieds etc) you will be given the option to either A.) check a box showing you desire to post anonymously or B.) you can sign up to ToyIntercept.com using a unique username/alter-ego of your own choosing.
What happens when I use the "Post Anonymous" option exactly?
Just like it sounds. When choosing this option it posts your comments completely free of us tracking you. We do not use any tracking systems or record any IP addresses, nor do we store any location requests. You are indeed safe on ToyIntercept unlike many popular web sites.
So what about my alter-ego/username, can it be tracked?
If privacy is a concern for you, make sure the name you sign up with on ToyIntercept is completely new to you (our chat rooms are also independant from our main system). We recommend not using a name you have previously used on any other web site. It is however your responsibility to ensure you never attach or leave any traces of your identity to yourself, such as posting a link to your facebook page, or google account. If you are found doing such, you have breached your own privacy and therefore have omitted all rights an obligations to ToyIntercept.
Does ToyIntercept provide any 3rd party companies with private info?
Does ToyIntercept comply with COPPA and protect our children?
Yes. Although we do not target children under the age of 13, we do offer website features that children under this age may find useful. However we are fully compliant with COPPA and do not store or record any data from our young visitors.
What if my privacy has been compromised, how can I deal with this?
If a privacy invasion has come to your attention, it is most likely your own doing. Comments, articles, listings etc are all editable by the user who created them. Simply use the edit button to correct anything you may have accidentally posted. Note; our classified section can show your general location, if this is something you do not want, simply edit it before posting your items.
Reporting a privacy violation
To file a privacy complaint, contact us via our "Contact Us" page found at the bottom of the web site. As the complainant, your privacy is respected in this process. At no point will your identity or contact information be released to anyone else. Our communications to you about this process will be sent to the email address you provide to us. Add ToyIntercept@gmail.com to your spam filter to ensure you receive these messages.
First-party claims are required.
We do not accept claims made on behalf of third parties except in the following situations:
- the claim is being made by the parent or legal guardian of the individual whose privacy is being violated the claim is being made by a legal representative for the individual whose privacy is being violated.
We will not accept privacy complaints filed on behalf of:
- other family members (e.g., husband, wife, cousin, brother, sister)
- co-workers or employees (individuals must submit a report themselves)
- a company
Tips on filing a complete privacy complaint
Please be clear and concise so that our ToyIntercept team can identify you easily on our web site.
Use time stamps to indicate exactly what post/comment or section of our web site you are referring to.
In the description area, please specify all concerns.
Make sure you've included the URL in your report.
If you are reporting a comment made in a comment section of an article, please note this in the description area. Include the commenter's username in your description.
Receiving notice of a privacy violation
ToyIntercept may provide you, the user, an opportunity to remove or edit the private information within your post/comment. However we reserve the right to (without question) irrevocably delete any comments/posts immediately without consent or warning.
How can I address the complaint?
- You can edit/remove the reported content completely from the site.
- If someone's full name or other personal information is listed within the title, description, or tags of your post/comment, you can edit this by clicking on the appropriate edit button found next to your user name, comment or under each article/profile page.
It's not an invasion of privacy, but someone on this site hurt my feelings, or posted something completely unacceptable. What can I do about this?
Please read our "Terms of Service". Unlike most web sites nowadays we tolerate a lot. Most likely you are easily offended, but there are certain instances in which the comment/post article etc have violated our ToS and should be reported to us immediately.