Blame R.P.G's
Niilo Paasivirta: "The Game of Satan: The Two Edged sword of Vengance [sic] agaisnt [sic] so-called 'role-players'". He warns that RPG players will "become satan worshippers and cultists who practice black magic, ritual sacrifice, homosexuality, bisexuality, transvetitism [sic], voyeurism, semitism, communism, necrophilia, sadism, masochism, domination, marxism, darwinism, child pornography...flag burning, fetishism, atheism, islam...demonology, necromancy, jewishness, bondage, spiritism, fascism, anal sex, neo-nazism, ritual cannibalism, occultism, pagan religions, sorcery, sin, arson...satanism, witchcraft, shamanism, incest, adultery and sodomy, feminism, also they drink human blood, listen to heavy metal and rock music, promote evolution theory instead of creationism, use hard drugs and try to summon real demons...All of these victims eventually commit suicide or live rest of their lives in a mental hospital. Satan has taken their soul and they will burn in HELL for eternity!"
"Christianity: The game of God! I warn RPG players that become Christian that they will become "become believers of something that can't possibly exist, ignorant, pushy, self-justified, nosy, judges of people who can't properly judge themselves, drains on society, promoter's of war, nearly without sex, ignored by other gamers, waist your life praying that there is a Heaven, faith in a book that's been re-writen more times than...hummm? any other book ever!, listen to sad religious music, promote creationism instead of the obvious theory, deny others equal rights, need more drugs than us so you can witness God one more time, speak about the devil more often than all RPG players combined and just maybe, if your lucky spend the rest of your life bitching at people who play a harmless game with their closest friends, share a few good laughs and have an average IQ 2x higher than people who don't play RPG's.
If you would like a good laugh and/or your a Christian who blames RPG's for everything. Please visit this site This should boost your spirtits or at best make you look like a complete JACKASS!
All remarks are meant as a joke and I do NOT blame all Christians for this foolishness.