Ankhur - Main Menu - D&D
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Races of Arkuth
* The Elves (álfr)
* The Dwarves
* The Gnomes
* The Halflings
* The Orcs
Places in Arkuth
* BlaydKurn
* Shaleton
* Graemoore
* Furra'zan Reach
* Barnweal
* Elspir
* Jungle Gnomes
* Jungle Trolg
* Jungle Rhino
* Orkvren
* Gobo
* Dray
* Vineman
PC Classes
* 2E Monk
* 2E Barbarian
* 2E Assassin
* Shaman Warrior
* Dwarven Bard
* Arkuthic Knight
* Giant Killer
PC Races
* Bugbears
* Half Dwarves




Type Description
Autocracy Government which rests in self derived, absolute power, typified by a hereditary emperor, for example.

Government by department, rule being through the heads of the various departments and conducted by their chief administrators.

Confederacy Government by a league of "possibly diverse" social entities so designed as to promote the common good of each.


A constitutional monarchy is a form of government in which a monarch acts as head of state within the parameters of a written, unwritten, or blended constitution. It differs from absolute monarchy in that an absolute monarch serves as the sole source of political power in the state and is not legally bound by any constitution. Such governments usually have a council of lords who can override the king’s decisions with a vote.

Democracy Government by the people, ie. The established body of citizens, whether through direct role or through elected representatives.
Despotism Despotism is a form of government in which a single entity, called the 'despot', rules with absolute power. That entity may be an individual, as in an autocracy, or it may be a group, as in an oligarchy.
Diarchy Diarchy (or dyarchy), is a form of government in which two individuals, the diarchs, are the heads of state. In most diarchies, the diarchs hold their position for life and pass the responsibilities and power of the position to their children or family when they die.
Dictatorship Government whose final authority rests in the hands of one supreme head.
Feudality Government of a feudal nature where each successive layer of authority derives power and authority from the one above and pledges fealty likewise.
Geriatocracy Government reserved to the elderly or very old.
Gynarchy Government reserved to females only
Hierarchy Government which is typically religious in nature and generally similar to feudality.

A government where all citizens have equal political power. Every law and decision are put to the vote. An isocracy both combines and expands features of liberal rights and those in democratic rule.

Kritarchy Rule by the judges. Occurring in rare cases where a strong force of law has retaken a previously-fallen government, austere legal courts pass final judgment with a puppet ruler in place.
Magocracy Government by professional magic users only.
Matriarchy Government by the eldest females of whatever social units exist.
Militocracy Government headed by the military leaders and the armed forces in general.
Monarchy Government by a single sovereign, usually hereditary, whether a ruler with absolute or with power limited in some form "such as the English monarchs", limited in rule by the Magna Carta.
Ochlocracy Rule by thief guilds, organized crime syndicates, large criminal groups etc. Usually several factions or mobs rise to power and balance each other through conflict and cooperation.
Oligarchy Government by a few "usually absolute" rulers who are coequal
Pedocracy Government by the learned savants and scholars.
Plutocracy Government by the wealthy.
Republic Government by representatives of an established electorate who rule in behalf of the electors.
Theocracy Government by god-rule, that is, rule by the direct representative of the god.
Stratocracy A stratocracy is a form of government headed by military chiefs; It is not the same as a military dictatorship where the military's political power is not enforced or even supported by other laws. Rather, stratocracy is a form of military government in which the state and the military are traditionally the same thing and government positions are always occupied by military leaders. The military's political power is supported by law and the society. As such a stratocracy does not have to be autocratic by nature in order to preserve its right to rule.
Syndicracy Government by a body of syndics, each representing some business interest.


Type Description
Broken The local government is nonexistent, either through a chaotic reign in power or the leaders have been removed from power and nobody has stepped up to take control. Murders are common, thievery will be high, order shall be dismissed as a waist of time.

Frequent changes in government heads are common due to assassinations, bribery and political plots between certain undisclosed parties. The likelihood of the social structure coming undone is quite high, seeing this government overthrown or collapse may occur within the next few years. Such government's use martial law and intimidation to enforce their status.

Weak A weak government usually represents internal and/or external conflicts between certain diverse groups that may include a populace that disrespects the local figureheads IE (ruling class and a military) and may attempt to resists government authority on occasion. These governments should be ready for political changes within the next few years, perhaps prolonging civil unrest up to 10 years.
Strong This is the "happy medium" among the kingdoms. A strong government maintains a firm grip on the military, local militia's and any other lawful organizations. The general populace respect the government , even if they hate paying their taxes. This government should remain stable for up to 20 years.
Superior This type of government is made of solid adamantite and is built upon certain law, rules and customs that have lasted for many years passing. It is very unlikely that such a government structure will face significant change inside of 30 years. These type of governments are typically powerful and have complete support of the military and the people.


Copyright © 2012-2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Owned and Maintained by Cole E Austin
Original site design and world design by Cole Austin
World of Arkuth (The Sundered Lands) - Copyright © 2010-2012
All artwork is copyright © by the original artists