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Foreward: The following custom rules (or often called House Rules in AD&D terms) are strongly recommended for this campaign world. Like all other AD&D rules they are not set in stone and the DM may feel free to change or completely disregard them as he/she desires. Yet they are presented here for DM's and players alike to read over and understand that these rule changes were put in place to best suit this realm and the type of campaign that is being presented on this website.
Before each combat round, all players make an initiative check for their characters. The DM also makes a check for monsters or NPC foes. An initiative check is a simple d10 +/- Any Dexterity Reaction Bonus/Penalties. Characters act in order from lowest to highest and ties act simultaneously.
All combat is broken up into rounds. Each round is equal to 10 seconds, 6 rnds / minute. 1 minute is equal to 1 turn.
Hit Points
Added in bleed optional rule (death's door modifed)
The amount of damage you can suffer before falling unconscious or dying. If you fall to 0 HP you are unconscious, cannot carry out any actions, move or otherwise. You do not lose any HP's and simply lie in wait for someone to help. If you fall below 0 (-1 to -9) you lose 1 HP / rnd until reaching -10 at which time your character is dead and cannot be healed under normal circumstances.
A stabilizing rule is also used in Arkuth, however we do not use the automatic stabilizing check that is described in various editions of AD&D. We demand that another player must intervene in some manner or another. Using bandages, herbs, healing potions or the like. It is the only way that a stabilizing check can be passed. The check remains the same, 10% or higher indicates success and the bleeding stops. A stabilizing check can be made each round. Any magical healing automatically stops bleeding, yet may not bring the character in question back above 0 HP.
NOTE; Barbarians are the exception to this rule, they bleed to -10 + 1 additional hp / CON bonus and may fight until such a level is reached at which point they simply drop dead.
Multiple # of Attacks
When attacking, roll single attacks as normal. If a player or monster has multiple attacks, roll them in an alternating sequence. IE;
If opponent (A) has 3 atks/rnd and rolled the higher initiative roll and opponent (B) has only 1 atk/rnd, roll attack rolls as follows; Opponent (A) make his/her first attack, then opponent (B) makes their only attack, then opponent (A) makes their final 2 attacks.
The idea behind this sequence of attacks is to provide each opponent an opportunity to get their attacks made in a fair manner. This solves the problem with characters who have multiple attacks per round from over-whelming an opponent who has fewer attacks.
Attack Options
Movement during combat is something that should be obvious to the DM and the players involved, combat naturally shifts around a surface. Characters can either move into melee range, charge into battle or flee from combat. This should be handled on the fly using ones imagination and not used as a tactical hard nose rule of trying to move specific amounts of space away or towards an opponent, this only slows down combat. The DM should be in control here, simply ask your DM where people are positioned, or how far away an opponent may be.
When you charge into battle, your speed doubles and you move in the straightest line possible. You gain a +2 bonus on your first attack roll only and suffer a -1 penalty on your AC, also losing all dexterity adjustments until the next round of combat begins. After such time, all bonuses and penalties from the charge are removed.
If you turn your back to run from a fight or leave an area with your back towards any hostile opponent that has you targeted, you are automatically leaving yourself vulnerable to attacks. For Arkuthian house rules, this is the only time an "Attack of Opportunity" presents itself. Anyone attacking a fleeing target receives a +2 bonus to their attack rolls. 1 full round of attacks is allowed automatically.
Falling Back/Full Parry/Withdraw;
There are times when someone needs to vacate a fight but doesn't want to expose their backs to the enemy. This rule allows people to do just that. Standard 2E rules are used in this instance and nothing is changed. Fighters receive there level divided by 2 (rounded down) plus 1 for their additional AC bonus, while everyone else is character level divided by 2 rounded down. IE; Borris the fighter is 7th level, he would receive a +4 AC bonus while Falling Back from a fight (7 / 2 = 3.5, rounded down = 3, +1 = 4).
When a character guards, she waits for her opponents to come to her. Guarding is a half-move
action, or a no-move action if the character stands her ground. A guarding character
strikes the moment an attacker moves into the guarding character's threatening squares,
regardless of her actual initiative and action phase. The only way an enemy can attack a
guarding character first is with a longer-ranged weapon.
If a guarding character is attacked by a charging character, the character that won
initiative attacks first (unless one of the characters has a longer-ranged weapon than the
other). If both the charging and guarding characters have weapons of equal range, then
the character with the larger weapon strikes first. Guarding characters are considered to
be set for charge, and spears and spear-like polearms inflict double damage against
charging creatures (see Chapter Seven).
If no one attacks a guarding character, she can abort her guard at the end of the
round and take a half-move to reach someone.
Firing Into a Melee;
Throughout the ages, friendly fire has been a significant threat on the battlefield. Firing or
throwing missiles at either of the two engaged creatures requires the shooter to roll to see
which figure he actually attacks. All creatures that are threatened or threatening one
another in the same group are included, so the archer is guaranteed of at least firing at the
right engagement.
To determine the actual target, assign each Man-sized target 1 point on a die. Smallsized
targets get 1/2 a point, Large targets 2 points, Huge targets 4 points, and
Gargantuan targets 6 points.
The best attack against a warrior of heroic prowess is often a simple rush. Overbearing is
a common tactic when several creatures are confronting a lone enemy who can cut them
to pieces one at a time. Overbearing attackers throw themselves at their opponent, using
whatever holds they can find to get him on the ground and restrain him.
Overbearing is hazardous; the defender gets an attack of opportunity against any
attacker he threatens. It can take a concerted
rush of a dozen or more to get through a high-level fighter's guard. Overbearing is treated
as an unarmed attack, and is resolved on the base initiative of the slowest attacker in the
The overbearing force resolves the attack by making a single attack roll at the THAC0
of their best member. The attackers get a +1 bonus to hit for each additional attacker. The
attack is made against the defender's natural Armor Class (AC 10 for most PCs), only
counting magical and Dexterity adjustments—a man in plate mail is just as vulnerable to
being pulled down as a man in leather armor.
If the attackers hit, they must make an opposed Strength check against the defender to
see if they drag him down or not. Use the Strength of the largest attacker, and apply the
following modifiers:
- 4 point bonus or penalty per size difference of the largest attacker versus the defender;
- +1 per additional attacker;
- –4 if defender has more than two legs.
Monsters can be assumed to have a Strength of 31/2 points per size category (3 for
Tiny, 7 for Small, 10 for Man-sized, 14 for Large, etc.) plus their Hit Dice. If the
defender wins the Strength check, he keeps his feet and shrugs off the attack. If the
attackers win, the defender is knocked down. The defender can be pinned and restrained
if he is successfully overborne again in the next round.
Any character equipped with a shield can choose to forego its protection and gain an
extra attack known as a shield-punch. The shield-punch is treated as a normal, secondary
weapon attack; the primary weapon suffers a –2 penalty to attack rolls that round and the
shield-punch attack is rolled with a –4 penalty. A character may use his reaction
adjustment due to a high Dexterity score to offset these penalties. Alternatively, the
character can substitute his normal attack for a shield punch, with no penalties.
The exact characteristics (i.e., damage) are noted below. If the character is trying a shield-punch, he must announce his intention while
declaring his combat action and forfeits the defensive benefit of the shield for the round.
Buckler 1d2
Small 1d3
Medium 1d4
Large 1d6
Archery from Horseback;
Applicable weapons include; short bows, composite short bows, hand
crossbows, light crossbows.
If the archer remains still (takes a no-move action), his rate of fire and range modifiers
are unaffected by his mount. If he rides a half-move, his rate of fire is reduced by one
category and he suffers a –2 penalty to his attack rolls. If his mount takes a full move, his
rate of fire is reduced as above, and he suffers a –4 penalty to his attack rolls. These
penalties can be reduced by specialization in mounted archery.
For the sake of Arkuth, if a player chooses to take "mounted archery" as a non-weapon proficiency, they reduce the penalties above by 2. IE a half-move now suffers no penalty to attacks rolls and a full move is only -2 to attack rolls.
Each character has a speed measured in feet. You can move this distance in 1 round typically. Jogging/Hustling effectively doubles this rate and a full out run is equal to base speed x5. Eg: A human's base movement = 12, Hustling would allow them to move 24 yards/rnd and running they could move up to 60 yards/rnd. Not all people are considered equal. If two humans are fleeing or running in the same direction at the same time, the person with the higher TOTAL physical score will reach their destination first. See the following chart for movement bonuses.
NOTE: This is not used for normal movement situations (running only). The above bonuses are only used when time is a factor or if a race of some sort is in question. One's total physical score is determined by adding STR + DEX + CON and dividing it by 3 (rounded down).
Physical Score |
Bonus Feet/Rnd |
9-10 |
-20' |
11-16 |
-10' |
17-24 |
-5' |
25-33 |
0 |
34-39 |
+4' |
40-45 |
+6' |
46-51 |
+8' |
52-57 |
+10' |
58+ |
+12' |
Armor Class
Armor Bonus + Shield Bonus + DEX mod
Armor |
Light armor |
Shield Only |
Padded/Leather |
Studded leather/Ringmail |
Gnomish workman leather* |
7 |
Chain shirt |
7 |
Brigandine |
Medium armor |
Hide leather/Scale mail |
Half-chain leather |
6 |
Chainmail/Breastplate |
Heavy armor |
Splint mail/Banded mail |
Half-plate |
Platemail |
3 |
Field plate / Dwarven plate* |
2 |
Full plate |
Shields |
Buckler |
Shield, small wooden/steel |
Shield, med. wooden/steel |
Shield, tower/body |
Extras |
Armor spikes |
Gauntlet, locked |
Shield spikes |
*.) An asterix indicates and armor this is specially made, for usually a particular race. It cannot be purchased under normal circumstances
#.) With our optional shield proficiency selected, the bonus to AC is shown in parenthisis. See Shield Proficiency for further details.
#/#.) This applies only to tower shields. The number after the "/" backslash indicates the AC modifier against missiles weapons only.
3.) A tower shield can instead grant you cover and can effectively protect your entire body (DM's descretion).
Character Class Changes
Rangers can be of any alignment.