Ankhur - Main Menu - D&D
Main Menu
* Home Page
* House Rules

* The Begining
* Astrology
* History
* Arkuthian Calendars
* Global Info
* Gods & Deities
* Nations of Arkuth
* Nations by Religion
* NPCs of Arkuth
* Magical Weapons

* Government
* General Laws
* Area Alignments
* Tech Levels
* Wealth Levels
* Monetary System

* Social Hierarchy
* Precedence
* Courtesy Titles
* Primogenitures
* Noble Succession
* Armies/Commanders

* Ship Information
* Sea Vessels

* Alignments
* Armor Descriptions
* Weapon Tables
* Equipment List
* Non-Weapon Profs.
* Occupations
* Race/Class Limits

Races of Arkuth
* The Elves (álfr)
* The Dwarves
* The Gnomes
* The Halflings
* The Orcs
Places in Arkuth
* BlaydKurn
* Shaleton
* Graemoore
* Furra'zan Reach
* Barnweal
* Elspir
* Jungle Gnomes
* Jungle Trolg
* Jungle Rhino
* Orkvren
* Gobo
* Dray
* Vineman
PC Classes
* 2E Monk
* 2E Barbarian
* 2E Assassin
* Shaman Warrior
* Dwarven Bard
* Arkuthic Knight
* Giant Killer
PC Races
* Bugbears
* Half Dwarves




1.) Acrobat

2.) Actor

3.) Animal Handler

4.) Apothecary

5.) Architect

6.) Armorist

7.) Artist

8.) Astrologer

9.) Baker

10.) Barrister

11.) Beggar

12.) Blacksmith

13.) Boatman

14.) Bodyguard

15.) Bookbinder

16.) Bowyer/Fletcher

17.) Brewer

18.) Bricklayer

19.) Butcher

20.) Candle Maker

21.) Carpenter

22.) Cartwright

23-29) Character Class

30.) Clothing Maker

31.) Coachman

32.) Cook

33.) Diplomat

34.) Dyer

35.) Embroiders

36.) Engineer

37.) Engraver

38.) Farmer

39.) Fisherman

40.) Fishmonger

41.) Food Seller (provisionist)

42.) Forester

43.) Gypsy

44.) Furrier

45.) Gambler

46.) Gardener

47.) Glass Blower

48.) Government Official

49.) Grain Merchant

50.) Grave Digger

51.) Grocer

52.) Guard

53.) Hatter

54.) Herald

55.) Herbalist

56.) Hunter

57.) Innkeeper

58.) Interpreter

59.) Jester

60.) Jeweler

61.) Juggler

62.) Laborer

63.) Leather Worker

64.) Locksmith

65.) Mason

66.) Mercenary

67.) Messenger

68.) Miller

69.) Miner

70.) Minstrel

71.) Moneylender

72.) Musician

73.) Navigator

74.) Nobleman

75.) Noblewoman

76.) Painter

77.) Peasant

78.) Peddler

79.) Physician

80.) Pilgrim

81.) Playwright

82.) Politician

83.) Potter

84.) Rat Catcher

85.) Sage

86.) Sailor

87.) Scribe

88.) Servant

89.) Shepard

90.) Shipwright

91.) Shoe Maker

92.) Soldier

93.) Spy

94.) Squire

95.) Stonecarver

96.) Story Teller

97.) Trapper

98.) Weapon Maker

99.) Weaver

00.) Woodcarver

Rare Occupations


1.) Assassin

2.) Knight

3.) Thief

4.) Sere

5.) Bounty Hunter

6.) Crier

7.) Royal Escort

8.) Bishop


Copyright © 2012-2013 - All Rights Reserved.
Owned and Maintained by Cole E Austin
Original site design and world design by Cole Austin
World of Arkuth (The Sundered Lands) - Copyright © 2010-2012
All artwork is copyright © by the original artists