There are three cultured races of Gnomes within Arkuth,
this includes the Surface Gnome's, Deep Gnomes and the Jungle Gnomes. However, these beings are
so similar in stature and mental affinity that a combined overview of all three race of Gnomes should suffice. Each unique race is detailed extensively below.
Gnomes appear to be compulsive, nervously driven, intensely curious, inventors of peculiar mechanisms. They shun social pleasantries, and almost never show physical emotions. Their most glorious moments come from the success of their work and by watching their marvelous inventions be put to use. This is not to say a gnome is a bore, but rather a person of timely events.
Gnomes can be as adventurous as any other race, though many a Gnome are content to stay within their delves and tinker with their latest found metals, gadgets and other mechanical contraptions. Adventuring gnomes are generally unable to learn from previous mistakes and tend to reenact their previous downfalls. Yet they quite often succeed in inventing a quirky solution to a dilemma that could very well save their fellow adventurers. Adventuring Gnomes tend more to become general handymen, inventors of strange utilities or simply a jacks-of-all-trades. The simplest puzzle, diagram or mechanical object will draw their undivided attention and cause them to reach for their scroll cases or tool belts. It was that of a gnome adventurer who invented Arkuth's flying airships.
In some cases, highly unusual magic devices will be studied in order to develop more technical items that can replace their functions. Gnomes like to acquire interesting things and may steal them, though not for the same reasons as most thieves. Gnomes will deliberately take things that might provide calculable information if taken apart, melted down, examined under a lens, and studied in general. A gnome at a royal banquet (for example) might become infatuated by the pretty red stone in the center of the King's crown, thus their obsession might kick in. The idea of taking the crown, bringing it into a smithy, smacking it with a hammer, melting it down into a pool of molten liquid and performing experiments on the metal greatly appeals to a Gnome. Can you imagine all of the new stories and great advances in metal working that could be made! The only problem is... how one might distract the King long enough to get their grubby little hands on it.
[ Surface Gnomes ] - [ Deep Gnomes ] - [ Jungle Gnomes ]
Surface Gnomes
Traits, Life Expectancy:
Surface Gnomes
are the inventors and tinker's of Arkuth, they design grand contraptions for
all occasion. A close relation of Dwarves, these short, wide nosed patrons
of serious work habits are by far the most technologically advanced of all
the Arkuthian races. Surface
Gnomes have either brown, black or red hair and have green or violet eyes.
Surface Gnomes tend to live up to 350 years of age, weigh anywhere
from 39 lbs to 55 lbs and stand no more than 3'8''.
Structure, Government, Laws, Religion:
The social structure of Surface Gnomes is what separates them from the rest of the gnomish race. The Surface Gnomes have a much more
complex social structure. Surface Gnomes have strict laws and definite guidelines
of society. Criminals are usually thrown in prison for an appropriate amount of time which depends on how despicable the crime committed was.
Most Surface
Gnomes in Arkuth pray to only one God, this being "Garl
Glitter Gold", but of course this is if they are Gnomes who seek to do
the world good. Evil Gnomes deem religion as an obstacle, slowing them from
success and will scoff at any who worship any deity at all.
Weapons and Advancements:
Surface Gnomes wear leather, padded or chain armor at best. Only adventuring Gnomes seek
to adorn superior armor, but nothing ever more bulky than that of platemail.
Surface Gnomes
tend to use just about any type of small weapon they can get their hands on. If given the choice they
tend to favor daggers, staves, canes, short swords, picks, knives, darts
and anything else that can be shoved into a small pocket or container.
Strategies, Tactics, Local Game:
Surface Gnomes
find hunting to be a bore...that is unless some kind of ingenious invention
can be used to scoop up the prey, skin it, gut it and serve it on a plate.
They would much rather grow natural crops of wheat, barley, oats, corn and
other common foods of the realm than go out and possibly get trampled by
a angry Jungle Rhino.
Habits, Routes:
Surface Gnomes have many well used trade routes between their kingdom and the many surrounding kingdoms of the other races. Surface Gnomes trade with
mostly Human communities, with both races greatly prospering from the other's commodities.
of Animals/Mounts:
Gnomes use much the same mounts as Dwarves do, but seek out even smaller ponies, goats etc as they often find large animals intimidating. They also ride goats, mule, large
war dogs or perhaps camels, however this sometimes involves extra effort on their part.
Passions, Perseverance:
Goals are simple for Surface Gnomes; make something bigger, shinier or more elaborate then the next guy.
Their passion lies in inventions,
shinny objects, hard metals and any other interesting object's that catch
their eye.
Alphabet, Languages:
masters of mechanisms, and avid explorer's of the unknown. Gnomes have developed
perhaps the most complex language's in all Arkuth. Not only is the common
language of gnomish spoken but a multitude of slang dialects, diagrams,
symbols and rock formations are also incorporated in everyday communication
with fellow Gnomes. Surface Gnomes prefer the
use of intricate diagrams and direct communication over forms of communication however.
Expectancy, Usage:
some others AD&D realms, Arkuthian Surface Gnomes love to tinker in the workings of magic.
This tends to allow them quicker discovery of what's within an object and
what can be done to manipulate the object in question. Most Surface Gnomes favor
the divine aspects of magic but a few rare exceptions have practiced the
arcane magic's of the realm, thus becoming illusionary magic-users.
Customs, Burial Ceremonies, Celebrated Holidays:
Gnomes celebrate only 3 major holidays in the year, the first day of the
new year, "Filgrin Fest" and "Makfern Day's". Filgrin Fest falls during early
spring and Makfern day's takes place mid summer.
Materials, Architecture, Skills:
Gnomes build most of their housing out of logs and stone or within the natural shelter of massive tree trunks. The structures
are built according to their statue, thus making it almost impossible
for Human's to sit comfortably in most establishment's. Although Surface Gnomes
are great inventors, they still construct average looking homes. Surface Gnomes would rather spend their time tinkering with trinkets, then piling rocks.
Deep Gnomes
General Traits, Life Expectancy:
Even though the Deep Gnomes are far beneath the surface, they are still inventors of odd and sometimes quite useful mechanisms. They work equally as hard as their surface dwelling cousins the Surface Gnomes and create some of the rarest of technological advancements within the under dark. Deep Gnomes have no hair, as the confines of darkness tend to hinder that feature in most daylight deprived beings. They have white or light blue eyes and tend to have either dark-grey or dark-brown skin.
Deep Gnomes tend to live up to 300 years of age, weigh anywhere from 35 to 50 lbs and stand a proud height of not more then 3'6''.
Social Structure, Government, Laws, Religion:
The Deep Gnomes believe in a chaotic dominion, with leaders being determined by mental prowess and/or social birth rank. Deep Gnomes have strict laws like all gnomish societies, but have far worse punishments to hand out than that of all other gnomish communities. Criminals within the Deep Gnome kingdom of Darkrift are either burned to death, maimed for minor offenses or sent on seemingly impossible treks to prove their innocence to their would be accuser's.
Most Deep Gnomes deem religion as an obstacle slowing them from success, and will scoff at any who worship any deity at all.
Armor, Weapons and Advancements:
Deep Gnomes typically wear leather, studded leather or padded armor as it's the easiest to maintain and acquire within their underground societies. Only adventuring Deep Gnomes may come back with superior armors, but nothing bulky or made of metal.
Deep Gnomes favor small weapons, like that of daggers, short swords, picks, darts, blowguns and small maces.
Hunting Strategies, Tactics, Local Game:
Deep Gnomes don't hunt, they forage for the food they need and that's it. The rest of their time is devoted to mining, crafting and exploration.
Trading Habits, Routes:
Deep Gnomes don't trade with anyone. Rare exceptions are made on occasion and a small group will make the trek towards the surface and barter a deal with their surface dwelling cousins of either ilk. However trust is non-existent and these evil mined beings are often turned back with nothing in hand.
Use of Animals/Mounts:
Deep Gnomes do not need mount's, instead a good pulley, block & tackle and some nifty harnesses are all that's ever needed to traverse the deepest depths of "Darkrift".
Goals, Passions, Perseverance:
Strange contraptions, oddly fashioned leather armors, the art of symmetrical gem cutting and the discovery of rare ore types are a Deep Gnomes passion and life long fixation. 1 out of a thousand Deep Gnomes will grow bored of their existence within the underdark and become travelers of the outer realm.
Education, Alphabet, Languages:
Being masters of mechanisms, and avid explorer's of the unknown. Gnomes have developed perhaps the most complex language's in all Arkuth. Not only is the common language of gnomish spoken but a multitude of slang dialects, diagrams, symbols and rock formations are also incorporated in everyday communication with fellow Gnomes.
Deep Gnomes most often use rock formations and symbols to communicate with unwelcome guests.
Magical Expectancy, Usage:
Deep Gnomes are rarely their bearers of magic, however a small number within their society have the ability to cast arcane spells. These individuals are typically Jeweler / Gemcutters as their magical abilities provide them with the talent to enchant the gemstones they avidly work on with some truly rare powers.
Racial Customs, Burial Ceremonies, Celebrated Holidays:
Deep Gnomes place their dead within stone tombs and then bury them into the side walls of their communities. Here they are left, never to be disturbed. Any future plans of expansion are always done in a way to avoid accidentally excavating their dead.
Deep Gnomes do not celebrate any holidays, only triumph in one's successful journeys or creative inventions. These events usually consist of everyone grabbing a mug of gnomish brandy and drinking until the celebrated person at hand falls unconscious.
Housing Materials, Architecture, Skills:
Deep Gnomes use stone slabs, hard clay blocks, moss, sticks and huge plates of lava rock to build their housings. The detail put into these structures is far greater than that of the Surface Gnomes. Some Deep Gnome fortification's have been known to take up over 100 yards in length and tower nearly 50' in height. Most of these monuments can be found in the Deep Gnome capital of "Blackheart".
Jungle Gnomes
General Traits, Life Expectancy:
Jungle gnomes stand 2½ to 3 feet tall and weigh 35 to 40 pounds. A jungle gnome looks very much like their gnomish kin. However, their rough skin, hide-sewn clothing and unkempt appearance mark them as unusual, even to other gnomes. Face paint, scar markings and strange hairdos are all part of daily life for the jungle gnome. Their skin color ranges from dark tan to burnt yellow, their hair is typically light brown or black, their eyes range from dark brown to icy blue. Male jungle gnomes have thin facial hair if any at all.
Jungle gnomes possess the following racial traits in addition to standard gnome traits of the PHB;
- +2 on Climb and Swim checks: Jungle gnomes live their lives clambering in and out of boats, and in and out of the water.
- +2 racial bonus on Woodworking (shipbuilding) checks: A little lumber and a few simple tools make for a happy and industrious jungle gnome.
- +2 racial bonus on Use Rope checks: Jungle gnomes consider rope the most useful tool on their boats.
- No racial bonus on attack rolls against kobolds, No dodge bonus to Armor Class against giants, No racial bonus on listen or Craft (alchemy) checks.
Jungle gnomes reach adulthood by the age of 40 and they live about 300 years, though a rare individual may live up to 450 years.
Social Structure, Government, Laws, Religion:
Jungle gnomes tend to be very territorial, and they guard their families and clans closely. They are not quick to trust strangers, but they form strong bonds with outsiders who do manage to earn their trust. Laws are strict as within all gnomish communities, however punishments usually consist of being excluded from construction projects, or simply exiled to an area where the offending criminal cannot participate in local events, celebrations or communal gatherings (a lonely Gnome is a very sad sight indeed).
Armor, Weapons and Advancements:
Most often you'll encounter a Jungle Gnome wearing hide leather armors, however there are certain instances where they will adorn custom leather armor of exquisite craftsmanship. usually these armors are given to great warriors or those of high rank within their colony. Turtle shells are also used as small strapped on shields and provide the same qualities as normal buckler shields.
Jungle Gnomes prefer the use of spears, tridents, dirks, daggers, darts and blowguns. They also use shortbows and light crossbows regularly when hunting for food.
Hunting Strategies, Tactics, Local Game:
Jungle Gnomes incorporate the deadliest of traps to easily bring down even the largest of creatures. Extensive windfall use, large pit falls, swinging logs and intricate meshing of ropes are just a few of the ways these small people hunt their local game. They tactics are also used to rid of unwelcome strangers and can often be employed to deter even that largest of predators from wandering into their domain.
Trading Habits, Routes:
Jungle Gnomes are excessive trade partners, dealing regularly with the Humans trade ships that line the north-western coastal shores of RalynKhorme. All sorts of exotic goods are transported and loaded onto ships bound for far off lands. Their airships provide them with rare access to secluded areas and this provides them with the unique benefit of bartering something of little value to them, for big value in return. All Jungle Gnome trade routes run east to west and never to the south where the mass of Humans might discover their secret kingdom.
Use of Animals/Mounts:
Jungle Gnomes use yaks and donkeys to plow their fields, while smaller animals such as pigs, sheep and dogs are used as mounts.
Goals, Passions, Perseverance:
In Arkuth, Jungle Gnomes have a close relationship with a local band of Stone Giants who not only share their love for stonework, they help the gnomes construct their massive cathedrals, halls, living quarters and most notably their airship launch pads. The gnomes in return offer exotic foods to the stone giants, which only they can attain from far off lands due to their airborne capabilities. Working together these two races have formed a close bond and strangers are not usually welcome. If any outsiders were to attack the gnomish colonies, they would not only face the brutal jungle tactics of these gnomes, they would have to face the crushing boulders and mighty clubs of the stone giants.
Education, Alphabet, Languages:
Education generally consists of life lessons. Farming and fishing skills, construction techniques and natural environment use are at the pinnacle of teachings. Usually the eldest females of the community are charged with this task as males and younger females are expected to provide the colony with other, more mundane tasks and skills. Language and education for all are held in the highest regard.
Jungle gnomes speak their own twisted dialect of the gnomish language. Jungle gnomes also speak common, elven, goblin and giant.
Magical Expectancy, Usage:
Jungle Gnomes do not trust or use magic. Much like the barbarians of Arkuth, the use of arcane or divine magic is forbidden amongst their people. Instead Jungle Gnomes focus on physical applications over mystical ones and spend a large portion of their time dreaming up devices to replace the need for magical assistance.
Racial Customs, Burial Ceremonies, Celebrated Holidays:
Jungle Gnomes are very firm in their thoughts about their women folk staying home and tending to their offspring and celters (homes). Males do all of the physical labors within their kingdom, whether that being through trade journeys, hunting, fishing, carpentry, exploration or construction. Women tend to the cooking, cleaning, baking and education of children. Yet the highest social positions are often held by females and they are generally the ones in charge of making laws, organizing events and running the kingdom. It's not uncommon to see the Jungle Gnomes colonies of RalynKhorme lead by a woman.
Jungle Gnomes send their dead down wandering rivers to the clutches of their surrounding oceans. Here it is believed that their dead are taken by the waves and lowered into the next world's open arms.
Like other desolate civilizations, Jungle Gnomes do not celebrate any specific holidays. Instead they celebrate specific times of the seasons, such as the first snowfall, or the first full moon of the year etc.
Housing Materials, Architecture, Skills:
Jungle gnomes typically live in and along the mighty rivers that wind through the jungles. A jungle gnome colony is often an intricate mass of decorative stone buildings well hidden above and below the jungle floor. You will often see gatherings of small boats tied together across meandering rivers, with channels to allow passing vessels through. Jungle gnomes are also seen traveling the rivers, trading what they can find to those they meet along the way.