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Races of Arkuth
* The Elves (álfr)
* The Dwarves
* The Gnomes
* The Halflings
* The Orcs
Places in Arkuth
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PC Classes
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* Giant Killer
PC Races
* Bugbears
* Half Dwarves


Arkuth - races - elves



There are three major races of elves within Arkuth, these being the "Imperial Elves", "Forsaken Elves" (wood elves) and the "Dark Elves" (døckálfar) all of which reside within the borders of LevynFrae, yet rarely do their cultures intertwine. Elves are typically thought of as the passive, radiantly beautiful, frolicking race of the AD&D universe, yet in this realm, most take on a whole new outlook on life and have a rich warring history with a diversity all their own. Elves were not the first race to inhabit the lands of Arkuth, yet they still have an extensive chronology that ties in their past to the present . The following section details each of these elven races and their unique presence within the Sundered Lands of Arkuth.

[ Imperial Elves ] - [ Forsaken Elves ] - [ Dark Elves ]

Imperial Elves



The Imperial Elves set the bar for passion, perseverance and strong will. They are the most militant of Arkuthian elf kind and clamor at the chance to wage war. Unlike their kin, they find little use for laughter and celebration and would rather hone their skills at battle. Imperial Elves are bold, stand up to all odds and never back down to any advance made on LevynFrae. They are a stronger, more robust and a hardier race of elf sharing many traits of their ancient allies the Humans.

They are loyal and honorable people and do not share the chaotic nature of most other elves. They take great pride in their workmanship and contribute some of the most grand structures known to exist in Arkuth. They forge some of the strongest and sharpest weapons known to mortals and create some of the most durable and weightless armors as well. A feeling of self worth, pride and honor can always be seen in the face of these amazing people.

General Traits, Life Expectancy:

The most common of the elven folk within Arkuth. The Imperial elves dwell within most regions of LevynFrae. They are generally fair skinned having light or dark brown, blonde or sometimes white hair. During times of peace, their typical garb consists of assorted loose garments, flowing robes and capes of light colors. Imperial elves usually have blue, hazel or brown eyes. They weigh anywhere from 125-160 lbs. These elves usually live to be around 800 years of age but an exclusive few have been known to reach amazing life spans upward of sixteen centuries.

Social Structure, Government, Laws, Religion:

The Imperial elves are by far the most politically ordered and self reliant of the elven races. Their social hierarchy is simple compared to that of man, yet is very well ordered and their laws are equally effective. Laws are readily enforced by local militia or hired officials and punishments are immediately carried out. Severity of these punishments range from somewhat lacking to outright barbaric depending on overall circumstances (race, social class etc).

Most Imperial elves follow a devout religious path of some sort. The vast majority pray to "Corellon Larethian" and show their devotion by following the depictions and preaching's of this deities acolytes. Other elven gods are also worshiped including J'Khan, Tilvi Shazmiica and Plievay Nacoord'ranth. There are also a few who worship the Norse gods, but they tend to keep these thoughts to themselves in fear of civil uprisings.

Armor, Weapons and Advancements:

Imperial elven armor usually consists of chainmail, scale mail, leathers and more rarely elven coin mail. Some even possess the "elvish chain" garment of fabled legend. Shields are not that common amongst the lower ranks, but are standard for many an elf on the battlefield.

Primary weapons of Imperial elves include longswords, scimitars, bastard swords, short swords, bardiches and footman maces. Bows are used only by hunters, officials and specialized defenders unless a time of war presents itself and then most of the Imperial elven army have the ability to employ such weapons. Some of the most finely crafted bows of the realm are made by the Imperial bowyer fletchers.

The most recognized Imperial elven advancement is the use of adamantite. This extremely rare steel is used to fashion Arkuth's most prized weapons. Only the finest warriors receive adamantite weapons and the thought of even owning one makes any mortal warrior salivate. This infamous metal makes even elven steel look weak in it's presence and could be one of the reasons the Imperial elves persist to hold their mighty kingdom from the centuries of passing war.

Hunting Strategies, Tactics, Local Game:

Imperial elves hunt in groups of anywhere from 4-8 hunt masters. Tactics include just about everything from setting snares to dropping boulders on helpless game. They are not efficient hunters like their distant kin the forsaken elves, yet they rarely come home empty handed. Imperial elves are avid stalkers of large game and spend allot of their hunt testing their skills, rather then foraging for food.

Trading Habits, Routes:

Imperial elves will trade and barter with most human kingdoms, but shun other humanoid races. They use the winding, widened paths between central LevynFrae and the surrounding human kingdoms as their main trade routes. However, the Imperial elves prefer to trade only with other Imperial elven colonies and only on occasion run a small band of merchants to the human dominated regions.

Use of Animals/Mounts:

Imperial elves use the common horse and other pack animals of their native land as mounts. Many nobles subdue and train greater mounts such as Griffon, Hippogriff, Pegasi, and White stags. In times of war, Imperial elves seek only the strongest of these such beasts and will even go to the extent of hunting down and training young adult dragons for aerial combat. A shared thought by many for the capture of such awesome mounts is largely due to the many battles between these elves and their enemies of the past. A time came in which the Imperial elves needed to gain an advantage to survive their enemies relentless onslaught and thus they these incredible mounts of power were deployed.

Goals, Passions, Perseverance:

Imperial elves tend to be so strict and war-minded that days of celebration are rare. Although, when such days do come to pass, celebrations are grand. Feywine, nuttleberry juice and fermented honey are drank as if they were thinner then water.

Most Imperial elves loves to hunt, especially prized game. The bigger the better. Imperial elves also spend their free time constructing temples of grand proportion. They work intently on sculptures, citadels and other significant structures. They also take great pride in the fine art of bladesmithing and have been known to fashion some of Arkuth's most legendary swords.

Education, Alphabet, Languages:

Imperial elves pride themselves in education. There is a time for war and then there is a time for study. They are by far the most educated of all elf kind and prove this through their intellectual positions throughout the realm. Some of the most renown figures in history were of Imperial elven decent.

The Imperial elven alphabet is identical to that of the Forsaken elves and they speak the same language of "elf common" with only a few unique exceptions.

Magical Expectancy, Usage:

Magic is a common practice amongst Imperial elves and is readily used. Arcane magic is most commonly used for construction purposes but is also found in use by enchanters of armor or weaponry. Cantrips and other enlightening magic are used in public places as forms of entertainment and often the younger, less experienced magic users are chosen to become apprentices of the elders by their magical presentations shown within the open view of society.

Divine magic is second to that of the arcane talents. It is used commonly used in society to heal the wounded, weak and elderly, yet is still held in high respect across the elven lands. Those able to use such gifts are usually high in social stature and are often seen as disciples of the divine.

Racial Customs, Burial Ceremonies, Celebrated Holidays:

It is customary for Imperial elves to marry before they reach 19 years of age, they are expected to be pure and not have any estranged beliefs. It is also customary for an Imperial elf to have a coming of age ceremony just as they turn 16. This signifies manhood for males and fertility for females.

Burials consist of lighting aflame a floating pyre and sending it adrift down a slow moving river for it's journey to the Elven Hunting Grounds. However, if one is of noble status dies, a more direct offering is given to the gods through cremation of the body atop a giant pile of burning logs. Here the locals can pay their respects and offer tribute if they so please.

Imperial elves celebrate rarely, but the one exception that is made is the day of the "new age". This day signifies the end time of the "Great Battle of Religions", a time were Ehriidore held a peaceful state for nearly a hundred years. This celebration lasts for 1 full week and the whole colony makes every attempt to share goods and commodities with others at a very reduced rate. Magic shows, jesters, archery contests and many other events are also held, every Imperial elf is welcome to join the festivities.

Housing Materials, Architecture, Skills:

Imperial elven homes are made in much the same manner as human housing, thus stone or wood being the major material used during construction. Most of the Imperial elves prefer stone over wood and model their houses after the elongated homes of the northmen Ehriidore.

Unlike other elves, temples to deities and greater gods are by far the most important structures. They build massive stone pyramids to honor the divine and often sacrifice special offerings on the upper most peaks of these such structures. Hundreds of stone statues have also been made in honor of past heroes and major deities. Stone carvers and stone masons are perhaps the more common of occupations, with each generation learning their predecessors skills and tricks of the trade. When local buildings are not being raised, Imperial elven wood shapers are setting off to nearby forests to create some of Arkuth's most detailed tree carvings. Literally hundreds of tree carvings now stand within the mighty forests of LevynFrae and many more will eventually come.

Imperial elves are also known to be one of the best manufacturers of high quality weaponry. Masterwork swords and polearms are readily available throughout LevynFrae's many districts. Some of Arkuth's best horse barding can also be found within these communities.

Wood Elves (Forsaken Elves)


Called the Forsaken Elves by other elf kind, the Wood Elves are as close to nature as most druids. They laugh, drink and spend most of their time dancing within the tree tops of their magically disguised homes. Wood Elves do not share the passion for war like other elves of Arkuth. They tend to avoid conflict and only resort to violence if their natural habitats are threatened by outsiders. Hunting is a passion for them, but only for creatures that violate their borders or that might cause harm to other areas they hold sacred.

Many centuries in the past, these elves felt it was necessary to withdraw their troops from an orcish uprising in the west and left their distant kin (the Imperial Elves) to fend for themselves. For this act of treason, they were given the title "The Forsaken Elves" as the Imperial Elves felt the Wood Elves simply abandoned their numbers and directly caused the territorial loss of the once larger nation of LevynFrae.

General Traits, Life Expectancy:

Wood Elves are the least populated of the surface dwelling elves. They are darker-skinned than their Imperial cousins and have adapted to match the colors of the deep forest. They tend to have dark hair and eyes, though occasionally those with auburn hair and brilliant green eyes will be found. (These individuals are considered to have special significance by the Wood Elves).

They typically wear tight fitting garments, consisting of browns and greens that at first appear to be chaotic patchwork, but on closer inspection form a uncanny camouflage pattern that makes them almost undetectable when motionless in the forest. When Wood elves go to hunt or to war, they paint any exposed skin. They are slightly smaller than Imperial elves in stature, but make up for it in cunning wit. They usually weigh anywhere from 98-130 lbs. Wood elf life spans are also shorter than Imperial elves, typically living to around 500 years in age, though they can reach as much as a 1000 years in certain rare and very powerful individuals.

Social Structure, Government, Laws, Religion:

Wood elves live in close knit tribal units, each ruled by a "Matra' Ai", who is usually the female with the greatest age and wisdom. Wood elf tribes are very insular and do not associate with outsiders, or even other wood elf tribes. Wood elves are almost druid-like in their religious practices, most eschewing the traditional elven gods for a more primal belief in nature and the spirits of the forest.

Armor, Weapons and Advancements:

Wood elves favor leather armor, and each individual is expected to be able to make their own when they reach maturity. They use staves, bo sticks, shortbows, knives, spears and bolas, all made from from materials that can be found naturally in their forest. Wood Elf weapons are often imbued with minor enchantments that assist in their hunting or aid in stealth. They have highly advanced knowledge of their forests and are also adept at making traps, both lethal and non lethal. Wood elves in some regions are known to use naturally occurring sleep poisons on their weapons as well.

Hunting Strategies, Tactics, Local Game:

Wood Elves are elegant hunters, passing silently and swiftly through an area, only taking as much game as is needed at any time. They are extremely careful not to disturb the natural balance of their forests. They usually hunt as individuals, though sometime mated couples will embark on longer and further ranging expeditions together, as much for spiritual renewal as it is a search for food. Wood Elves are adept at knowing what can and can't be eaten in their habitats, as well as what parts of their ecosystem are most threatened and should be left to strengthen themselves.

Trading Habits, Routes:

Wood Elves rarely trade with anyone except other Wood Elves and forest spirits such as wood nymphs, pixies, treants, and other fey. They have also been know to trade with druids on rare occasions. They strive to be self sufficient within their own tribes, and only those with extremely rare but completely natural items can have any hope of trading with them, and then only if a previous relationship has already been established.

Use of Animals/Mounts:

Wood Elves are generally on excellent terms with all wild life in their areas. Though they do not believe in domesticating animals the way other races do, on occasion a Wood Elf family group will accept a particularly noble animal as part of their family circle. Among their tree homes can be found normal and giant versions of most general forest species, including squirrels, raccoons, owls, skunks and other more exotic species.

Goals, Passions, Perseverance:

Wood Elves are quiet but free spirited, seeking always to live in harmony with nature and to defend their homes from those that would disturb the balance. They are less flighty than most elves, and much more concerned with day to day living and survival.

Education, Alphabet, Languages:

Wood elves have little use for the concept of schools or formal education, instead they believe that learning is something one does all of one's life and the entire tribe works together to pass along the rich knowledge of their ways to the younger members through example, oral tradition and relationships with the wisest and eldest of forest spirits. Wood elves speak an enormous variety of forest tongues, as well as their own tribal language, which can vary enough from one tribe to the next as to be indecipherable. The oldest of Wood Elves can also understand Elf Common to a degree but speaks it only with a thick accent.

Magical Expectancy, Usage:

Wood Elves are are highly magical in nature, though they tend to not use it as freely as the other elven races do. Wood Elves use magic solely to benefit their forests and to aid in stealth and non-detection. Their treetop villages are generally masked by enchantments and their weapons and armor are similarly endowed. Wood Elf magical tendencies are evenly split between the druidic and the arcane. Because their magic is not used as often as humans or other elves, Wood Elf spells last longer , have stronger effects, and are harder to dispel.

Racial Customs, Burial Ceremonies, Celebrated Holidays:

It would be a mistake to think of Wood Elves as savages, They are in fact highly cultured, with their own grand legends, songs, dances, and art that all elves are known for. Wood Elves who reach the extent of their mortal life span are able to shed their corporeal forms in mysterious transformation that joins their spirits to the very forest in which they live. The elves believe these spirits watch over them and look after the welfare of the tribe. Wood Elves who are slain in battle or meet inopportune deaths before their time are cremated and given back to the circle of life. Among the Wood Elves it is common to to speak of death as "completing the circle".

Housing Materials, Architecture, Skills:

Wood elves not surprisingly favor wood as the construction material of choice. Their villages are not so much as built in the treetops of the enormous trees in their forests as they are grown. Because of their atonement to nature, Wood elves are able to "shape" living wood slowly, over time to any form they desire. Wood Elf homes are consequently very strong and nearly undetectable, even without the magical obscurations they employ to hide them. Wood elves also use this ability to "grow" all manner of wooden tools and implements, which are then harvested for permanent use. They make excellent bows and staves, wooden bowls, plates and utensils. Many who are not familiar with Wood Elves marvel at the carving skill employed to create such items, never guessing that these times were actually grown from living trees. They are also skilled at creating pottery, which is used in may areas where wood would not be appropriate, such as cooking. Weapons and armor are made from only natural materials, but with great skill. Use of the extremely rare Ironwood is substituted where steel would normally be used.

Dark Elves (Døckálfar)

General Traits, Life Expectancy:

Dark Elves


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Owned and Maintained by Cole E Austin
Original site design and world design by Cole Austin
World of Arkuth (The Sundered Lands) - Copyright © 2010-2012
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